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"She held my arm." Scorpius mumbled to Albus. He had been repeating this over and over again once the three went separate ways; Rose to Gryffindor Tower and them towards the dungeons. "I know, Scorp." Albus moaned again.

"She tended me. She looked concern." He added dreamily. Albus groaned in frustration. "Of course she did!" Albus said lazily. "Serpent." He added in an undertone as the common room stone entrance opened for them. Scorpius, despite his current condition, looked glazed and dreamy as he was led to the Dormitories by Albus.

He then saw Albus glance furtively at a pile of parchment at their bedside cabinet. "I suppose we should get going with our homework?" Albus asked impatiently. "Yes, I suppose so too." Scorpius replied, his mind still etched with the scene hours ago. "Nah. I'm too tired." Said Albus and changed into pajamas. "Typical." Scorpius replied, as he changed into pajamas and clambered into bed.

"And what would you feel, Albus? If... You know... If, we were–?" Scorpius asked shakily. Albus replied a few seconds later, "Doubt it. Uncle Ron would never... Well, I don't know." Albus said, and drifted off to sleep. Scorpius lay, thinking about this. He remembered Rose telling him about how her father told her not be too friendly with him. It made a tight knot in the pits of his stomach as sleep enveloped him.


Scorpius had once again, received the daily mail of sweets from the Manor. Serena had her fair share of it too, although she gave them away, much to his disappointment. "You know? You could give it to me, if you don't like it much." He said to his younger sister. "Oh honestly, Scorp. Aren't your sweets enough?" She scoffed as she ran towards a Hufflepuff guy in their year. Scorpius eyed them narrowly. "There's something funny about that guy." He told Albus once they reached Charms with the Hufflepuffs. "Cedric Chang that Hufflepuff bloke?" Albus said, eyeing him with equal dislike. Scorpius nodded.

"What's he got it in for her?" He asked. Albus shook his head and frowned. "I suppose he is kinda handsome for the girls I mean... Don't you see the way they goggle at him?" Albus said incredulously. Serena now left for Herbology and sure enough, Cedric was ahead of them, a few of the girls he passed were greeting him or otherwise, whispering excitedly. "I don't like him." Scorpius said, cracking his knuckles threateningly. "Neither do I." Albus replied coldly as they followed him towards the Charms classroom.

They sat down at the right hand of the seats. Professor Flitwick, their charms teacher, was already seated behind the teachers desk, his chair stacked with pillows high enough for him to reach the desktop. "Goodmorning everyone!" He said brightly as the class murmured back their greetings. "Today we are going to learn: repairing charms. It is a bit tricky and requires an extra bit of magic but you ought to know! So, altogether now, say: reparo."

There was a resounding exclamation of 'Reparo's' across the room. "Okay, as you notice in front of you, there is broken china. I'd like you all to fix it, and the person to make the most satisfactory result, will earn his or her house: thirty points. Okay, begin!" And in an instant, there were once again, resounding 'reparo's." It was a very tricky spell. "Reparo!" Scorpius exclaimed, and his broken glass seemed to come together and became whole. He beamed at Albus, who was scowling as his glass did not seem to want to move. "You've got to be determined." A voice said behind them, and they suddenly realized that Cedric Chang was sitting just a seat apart from them from behind.

Albus frowned more deeply as he put an effort to fix his glass. Scorpius successfully made his go together, although there were still cracks visible. After twenty minutes of attempt and failure, Professor Flitwick roamed around the class, examining the glass, nodding or either shaking his head. Once he reached Scorpius, he beamed and gave him a thumbs up but shook his head at Albus's lump of broken China. Albus scowled as Professor Flitwick passed Cedric.

Then suddenly, he gave a happy cry. "See here everyone, Mr. Chang has done it. Ha ha!" He said, holding up a completely, scratch free goblet. There were awes and cheering from the class, except for Albus and Scorpius. In his anger, his glass suddenly broke apart again and he didn't know why. But Flitwick seemed to not notice. "Thirty points to Hufflepuff! In facf, fifty for a perfect result! Didn't expect that, yes indeed!" He said happily as he strode off to the top of the class.

Albus and Scorpius wore matching frowns. "Okay. Homework for everyone who wasn't able to perform the charm, you know who you are. Not you Cedric, not you. And, take another ten points just because I'm so proud! Aha! Never taught a more prestigious student ever since that Rose Weasley and Miss Granger! She now heads the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!" He said proudly, reminiscing and wiping away a tear.

Cedric glowed as he left the class. "Cedric Perfect Chang!" They said in disgust as they headed for Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors. "He must be proud, now, earning sixty points!" Albus said in the same tone as they entered the classroom and sat beside Rose. "Hullo!" She said brightly at them. They grunted their 'Hi's' as they sat down on either side of her. "What is it this time?" She asked, giving them a questionable look. "That Pretty boy Chang." Albus said. Rose gave a laugh that was so unlike her. "Yes, he is quite the charmer is he." She said, giving another strangled giggle. Albus raised his brows. "He's too smart for his own good!" He said. Rose scoffed. "You say that like it's a bad thing, honestly!" She said and turned to face the front.

Scorpius snorted. "You only like him because he's handsome!" He said. Rose looked affronted. "Excuse me, I do not like people just because they're handsome!" She hissed indignantly. Scorpius and Albus shared a pointed look and rolled their eyes. "Judgmental, blind creep." Scorpius muttered, unable to contain his anger at Rose's defense towards Cedric. She did not speak to him all throughout the lesson.

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