Chapter 25

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I am six months pregnant.  I'm having a boy. Am I happy?  He'll ducking yeah,  girls are to much..... Shit I'm too much. 

Quay is even more happier than me,  this nigga bought much shit it doesn't make since I remember we was at the mall one day.  He had 6 bags filled with baby stuff & I was looking at these purses.

He scoffed at me "How can you look at purses when your child need things?  I can't believe to. " Y'all know me I cursed his ass out

"Nigga yo black ass been buying our UNBORN sob shit EVERYDAY.  Which is dumb because he's going to grow out of them before he get time wear everything " I rolled my eyes and stomped away.

Yeah,  we have arguments about the dumbest shit.  Since he so happy about our son he better be waking up in the middle of the night to be with him the first month too.  He gone have to take off 'work'

Anyway me and Jay about to meet up for lunch. She claims she has something important to tell me.  I'm just glad were going to eat.

I put on my baby blue and white Sundress and some white sandels & white that Bag . I put on silver jewelry & my big white sunglasses .

We decided to meet at apple bees because that's what I'm craving. Apple bees is around the corner from my new house so I got there in No time . I know for a fact  Jay slow ass not here .

"Hello How may I help you? " The Light skinned waiter asked .

"Can I get a table for two? " She nodded

"Yes, table or Booth? " I wanna be private

"Booth " she nodded

"Okay,  Follow me "

She took me to the Booth farther in the back . I was happy as fuck she did.  I hate people being around me. 

Jay got here 15 minutes after than me.  She sat down.  Ouu,  my bitch glowing she seems since happy.  I bet you Kidd gave her the D.

"So wassup boo? " I asked sh was smiling bright as he'll..

"Girl, let me tell you,  Okay so Kidd took me to the gun range right " She already know How to shoot "You know me,  I showed out...  So Anyway he  bought me a pink & black gun & got me my CCWs "

"Girl what Y'all planning " sound like they tryna kill somebody

"I'm getting to that,  so then he took me out to eat..Big mama's to be exact then he --" The waiter cut her off

"Are you ladies ready to order? "

"Yes, I want three cheese chicken pasta "

"Okay &  you ma'am "

"I want boneless honey bbq wings  with ranch,  Artichoke dip,  & bbq ribs " I'm pregnant don't judge me.

"Okay,  your food should be here momentarily " He smiled took our menus and walked away

"Okay bitch continue " She laughed

"So he asked me to be his girlfriend & gave me this promise ring,  he said he bought the gun because being with him can be risky & then........  " she paused

"Bitch get it out!!!"  She was playing with my emotions

"Then he took me to his house,  he had candles and roses every where & then he gave me a foot message in the tub,  then he FUCKED.  THE.  LIFE.  OUT.  OF ME " Oh my gooooddd

"Bitch stop lying" she shook her head

"Bitch I swear " I am so happy she got over her fear of men & didn't go gay. 

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