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While me and my little brother were walking along the blood stained path. I sensed presence, Feline presence. "wait Harley. I think Nana is here, I can sense her" I joked. Harley's eyes were shimmering like jewels "really?! Where?" he asked enthusiastically, I snorted then nodded "yeah, some where around there" I pouted right in front. Then he ran until he reached the place where I pointed, I suddenly regret joking that it was Nana, I'm not sure who it really was so, as a big sister I followed him.

"Harley!" squealed some who's voice is very familiar. Then it hit me, it was Harley's other Feline friend. Harith, pretty sure Harith and Nana are together now, but I still ship my lil bro and that raccoon tailed cat.

(back to the real time)


We stared at the two persons that we assumed are siblings. "so you're Lesley, and Midget dude is Harley... Your little brother?" I asked, then I realized I accidentally said Midget Dude. I face palmed, Harley blushed "I'm not a Midget, I-I'm just... Physically challanged, I g-guess?" he protested nervously while his big sis was laughing her eyepatch off. Kagura then started pinching his cheeks "well you are adorable" she was about to pet his head. But Harley flickered away "hey don't touch my hair" he yelled. Lesley burst out of laughter again "your hair is not even that fixed" she laughed.

Then Hayabusa and I went silent. Being out of place is the worst. "by the way, Harith! Are you dating Nana?" suddenly asked Lesley. Harith had a disgusted look on his face "I rather go solo thankyouverymuch. Besides I don't need a support" he said. Pretty sure he's not lying, because his tone was so serious. Lesley nodded while Harley looked like he's trying to punch the air. We all looked at him with confusion splattered on our faces. He stopped air punching then blushes "y-you saw nothing!" while hiding behind Lesley

"so what brings you 5 here?" Lesley asked Alucard. he answered "well, something was destroying all the villages in the enchanted forest. so Tigreal ordered mad and Harith to investigate what caused all this damage. and these three? we just happen to bump into each other while following the path." he pointed at us when he said "three". Kagura cheerfully shook Lesley's hand "I'm Kagura, I'm a fellow mage just like your little brother" she greeted while looking down at Harley. "L-Little Brother?! she's only a year older than me!" Harley yelled while blushing like Lesley's hair color.

Lesley laughed so hard she might drop one of her bombs "oh my bullets that's the 10th time today" she laughed out. Harley blushed and hide his face using his hat. "well I'm short too" pouted Harith, Harley sighed "Harith... you're 15, you'll probably grow soon" he corrected the young feline. Harith looked at him confused "so I'm older than you?" he asked. Harley choked and Lesley is STILL laughing her ass off. "idiot! I'm 19!" he basically yelled.

Before can say anything, screams were heard from a far. we all looked at the direction where the screams came from.we all ran to the direction, the screams went louder and louder, the skies turned darker and darker.

Then we saw it, the one who made all the chaos, the one who destroyed all the villages, the one who... took my everything away. "H-Hanzo?" Hayabusa breathed out. I gasped, all the memories coming back.  we were a trio.

I ran as fast as I can to chase the two "Hanabi can't catch us" taunted Hanzo. Hayabusa was giggling wildly while running with Hanzo "HEY! using sprint is unfair!" I yelled while trying to Catch the two idiots. I don't remember much after that but I did remember a time when me and Hanzo were sitting on the edge of a cliff. "the view is so sugoi" he said while focusing on the breath-taking view.

"some day, I will have control of everything that is on earth. Even if it affects my mortality." he said as he clutch his tiny hands. I laughed "I don't think that will happen". He pouted "It will, you'll see. And once I ruled it I will make us three the most powerful of all mortals and immortals in the land of dawn" he said while flapping his arms around. I giggled "what ever you say Hanzo".

I can't think straight, my heart stopped beating and my eyes are filled with horror. The Hanzo I knew changed, from sweet and playful... To Dark and chaotic. He was laughing insanely while slicing the life out of the poor mortals. Anger flashed through my eyes and went up to him while hitting him with my blade. He was suprised to see me, but quick enough to dodge every blade I threw.

He stopped everything, we stared at each other eyes. His eyes seem different, I doesn't look blue anymore, in fact it looks purple-ish. "Hanabi...." he finally spoke, I gulped "H-Hanzo..." I shuttered. He smiled murderously and said "see... I told you I'll get stronger, and I'm almost at the top of OUR goal! we'll be the most powerful ninjas in the whole entire land of Dawn!" he laughed like a total psycho. "Hanzo! End this NOW! the lord of the dawn demands you!" yelled Alucard, Everyone else got ready to attack, including Hayabusa. Hanzo was shocked and feel betrayed.


"You guys, Are trying to stop... Me?" Hanzo gripped on his sword that somehow has a mouth really tight. It was silent, then all the sudden he laughed maniacly "you think you WEAKLINGS  can stop ME?" he then swung it near Hanabi. She was shocked then is readying her blade. I was hoping she won't get hurt, I hope that she will be okay because I can't forgive myself if she dies. "Hanzo... What happened to you" I suddenly blurted out, He looked at my direction. Fear started crawling up my spine, he chuckled "Can't you see Hayabusa? POWER happened to me. Kamisama has blessed me with invincible powers!" he yelled as he raised his demonic sword up high.

Hanabi threw a blade near his face as tears drip down her cheek. Luckily Hanzo dodged it, all the sudden Hanabi yelled "YOU MONSTER!, WHY DID YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING! I THOUGHT YOU'LL KEEP EVERYONE... EVERYONE SAFE! BUT YOU JUST... you just..." before she can finish her sentence, her hand suddenly moved and sliced her blade near Hanzo's face, Hanabi kept throwing and throwing and Hanzo was too fast for those blades "I did it for the three of us! We can rule the land of dawn, even the whole world!" Hanzo explained. But Hanabi still kept on throwing, Alucard had enough so he signaled us to atrack "Hanzo that's enough! Your rain of terror has to end here right now!" said Alucard as he slash his sword.

The six of us joined in their fight, but as I was about to hit Hanzo with my ninja stars, memories started flashing back. I blacked out.

A Ninja's Mission //REWRITTEN//Where stories live. Discover now