T h r e e

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My eyes slowly opened as I rub my aching head, I look around just to see everyone hurt by Hanzo. Fear filled up in my stomach and as soon as I look up, I saw Hanzo lifting Hanabi up by her neck. Anger and batrayal flared in my eyes, then I heard Kagura "H-Hayabusa..." her voice was so weak but she still stood up "let's go help Hanabi... Please..." she begged.

I slowly gain my strength to stand up, my head still thronbbing but I am willing to sacrifice for a friend. Kagura slowly gained her balance and went closer to me. Let's just hope we're not too late.


I can't breathe, his hand is slowly breaking my throat in very painful way. I can't handle it no more, he became a monster. "You should've picked my side , Hanabi. So you can be my queen." he pleaded for the last time. I tried my best to speak out "even if you'll crumble my neck, I rather be just a normal person than to be a monster like YOU!!" then his grip tighted. I closed my eyes shut, accepting death. Tears roll down my cheek as I start to give up.

He was about to feed me to his monstrous sword. But something made it fling away, I passed out right after I saw blur figures picking me up.


I was looking over Hanabi after we fled from Hanzo. Hayabusa went of to quietly follow him and report to us on where he is. Alucard and Lesley was still in bed while the mages looked after them both. Harith was really close to Alucard, as if they were siblings. On the other REAL siblings Harley is trying his best to entertain himself to pass the time. "jeez this is so boring" he groaned, I just smiled. "Hey, we almost died there!" exclaimed Harith. "well yeah we did almost died there, Harley" I said to make them not fight.

Harley sighed "fine, I guess it was a little horrifying" he pouted. I giggled, admiring how competitive Harley is to Harith. A groan was heard from Alucard as he slowly wakes up "A-Alucard!" said Harith as he embraced him, causing him to hiss. "H-Harith not to tight" he pleaded, Harith pulled away "s-sorry, I guess I don't know my own strength" he chuckled nervously.

Alucard rolled his eyes as well as Harley. I sighed, how am I going to make this less awkward?

Few moments passed and everyone was awake, Lesley woke violently tho, and Hanabi woke up looking traumatized. "Hanabi are you feeling ok now?" I carefully pick my words so she won't have a breakdown. "I... I don't know anymore... Wait where's Hayabusa?" she asked worriedly. I sighed then answered "He went off to keep on eye on Hanzo to know where he is. I told him not to go there but he insisted" Hanabi frowned.


As Kagura and Hanabi are talking. Harley kept on shooting me death glares, I sighed "what do you want from me Harley?" I asked politely-not to sound like I'm pissed off. Harley scoffed then looked away, I rolled my eyes. I think he hates me, Lesley noticed our negative aura "alright you two, what's going on?" she asked us sounding so Strict and Serious. Harley gulped "Nothing, sis. It's just that... *groans* I just hate him so much!" he yelled in front of me.

My eyes were filled with shock, as my heart ached. I look up to him as a big brother, but then he told me he hates me. Tears start to sting my eyes, but I shook them off and took a deep breathe. "if you really hate me that much... I should probably go back to the palace now..." I said as I leave the room. Alucard was too focused on planning our-I mean their next attack. I sighed, thinking that I might be getting in there way.

Ever since the creators had been nerfing me people stopped liking me. I used to be strong, but now I'm wreak. How shall they balance is if I die easily?

"Harith?" I stopped then turned around, just to get hugger by a robot "Angela, what's up?" sadness was heard through my voice but I smiled anyways. Angela's face changed from happy to worried "are you ok? You don't look like your usual self". I chuckled "oh Angela, is it really THAT obvious?" I asked. She started to worry more "w-well, you're usual carry your enthusiastic aura everywhere you go, but now you're-" I finished her sentence "weak? Insecure?.. Sad?".

She froze "who did this to you?" she asked. Then I remembered what harley said "I just hate him so much!" I bit my lower lip. "I... Gotta go" I said as I ran out of the hospital. As I ran far from the kingdom,I reached my old hidden village. Ashes were everywhere. I enter the burnt tree house, just to see my grandpa's bones still lying on the same spot I left him. Tears started flowing down my cheek "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect you. I was too weak to protect you" I said to the bones. Sniffles were heard.

I was still holding in all the pain that is in my chest. Ever since I became a minoan guard, I inhaled then yelled it all out while hugging my grandpa's decaying bones. I cried all the pain and sorrow out of me.

I need more time... Even though I know I'm all out.


"I hope he'll come back" I said, hoping Hayabusa will burst to the door. Kagura sighed "it might take a while for him to come back, he was so desperate to keep an eye on Hanzo". I also sighed, I looked at Alucard who is still watching TV, Then I saw a glimpse of Harley and Lesley talking about something. But then I noticed something, "wait, where's Harith?" I asked.

Alucard looked at me then looked around "He's not here?". Harley froze and Lesley was pointing at him "ask this little magician" she said in a serious tone. Harley gulped then putted his hat on his chest "I made him sad then after that he left... It's all my fault I'm sorry". Alucard slammed his fist on the table "you idiot! We needed him!" he yelled. Harley closed his eyes shut, while guilt is crawling up his spine.

"I was jealous of him ok!? He gets to have all the glory and even Nana! But he only cares about the glory! Not my precious NANA!" Harley yelled as he begin to cry. Lesley was shocked to hear is little brother to raged on Alucard, I was shocked too.

All the sudden a pink haired feline went in the room "Harley?" she looked around. Harley froze as tears fall down his cheek "N-Nana..." he said followed by a sniffle. Nana then went up to the little midget and hugged him, to my suprise they actually look cute together. "I was so worried about you when I heard you were hunting down a dangerous monster" she pouted. Harley blushed "he is scary to look at so, I'm fine".

Alucard cleared his throat and said "enough with this nonsense, we better find Harith". Nana looked at Alucard "Angela saw him a while ago but she told me he left" Nana said.

That poor Kid...


I sighed "I miss this view..." I feel a little better now thanks to that emotional breakdown I had. I'm sitting on a fairy tree with the view of the sunset on it. I grabbed a fairy fruit and I was about to take a bite when I heard rustling in the branches. "who's there..." I called out, then a shadow appear in the branches. Revealing 2 Sky blue eyes, glowing and staring back at my own. "reveal yourself!" I yelled then it went out of it's hiding place, reveal a feline just like me. She has blue tips on her silky not so long hair. Her eyes are so captivating you could stare at them for hours.

She took as step forward and examined my figure. All the sudden the feline giggled. "Welcome back, Harith" she said. I frozed, how does she know my name?. But then nostalgia hit me, all the memories, all the hugs, all the kisses. She was my partner, my other half.

Then her name slipped out my tongue.


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