F o u r

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My world is spinning as I saw my girlfriend in front of me. She was smiling so sweetly. I reached out to give her a tight hug, she's so soft. I sniffed her scent and god it was so addictive. "miss me that much?" she giggled. I only nodded, she kissed my forehead. "where have you been I thought Helcurt captured you and Henrick" I asked. Henrick is my big brother, nostalgia hit me again. Giving me a painful headache, "Well, I escaped helcurt but Henrick... I'm not sure if he also managed to escape or... If he's already, dead.." She lowered her head feeling guilty for not helping Henrick to escape.

I hugged her tightly like it's my last chance. "It's ok, as long as you're safe it's fine." tears fall down her soft cheek "I'm sorry for not helping him, I tried but he wasn't responding" she sniffled. I shushed her to calm her down "t-there there, he wanted you to be safe" I whispered on her ear.

It's been hours since we last saw Harith. Harley felt guilty while Nana is clinging onto him like a cat who needs attention. "Why did you two fight anyways, we all know Nana is really shipped with you right?" I groaned at Harley who is feeling more guilty than before. Lesley punched me on my hand "you idiot, nothing will happen if you made my brother feel more guilty! It's not like Harith will magically appear in front of us!" she yelled. Her punch was kinda weak to hurt.

"uh, what's going on?" we all looked at the two cats near our door. "Harith!" I yelled while picking him up like a kid "h-hey put me down!" he yelled. The girl next to us giggled, I looked at her. "who's your friend?" Kagura asked while her eyes are sprakling at the so called Neko.

Harith 2nd skilled out of my grip and fixed his clothes "this is Harmony, my... Girlfriend" he smiled, all of our jaws dropped to the floor. Even Nana is shocked, Harmony bowed "it's nice to finally meet you all." she greeted. Kagura was squealing thanks to her cuteness. Nana looked at her, sniffed her? "woooah! You smell like Harith!" she exclaimed.

Harmony became flustered, then hid behind Harith. "look what you guys made! She's scared now" whined Kagura. Harith sighed "I'll do the introducing. This is Harmony, she was the only one who managed to escape from Helcurt. And Harmony, these are my friends" Harith pointed at Lesley "this is Lesley, my favorite Marksman" Lesley salutes to Harmony.

Hanabi pouted, "hey I thought I was your favorite marksman?" She pouted. Harith chuckled nervously and said "Y-you're my favorite Ninja!" heh... Nice save.

"this is Hanabi and Kagura, they both look cute and probably powerful" Harith pointed at the two ninja gals. He looked at Harley then to me "this is-" Harmony cut him off "Alucard! I've seen you fighting monsters and creeps in the forest!" she said as her sapphire eyes shine bright. I blushed then shaked it off "really? I was just practicing" I said while giving her a wink.

She giggled, then we noticed Harith pouting. "Alright that's enough now" he said while hugging Harmony from behind. Harley felt betrayed, but it's his fault anyways.


Is it me or this story is about Harith now, not me. Then someone barged in the room, it Hayabusa. "Guys! We need to go fast! Hanzo is almost near the Kingdom!!" he yelled as he pulled me and Kagura out of the room "w-wait!" pleaded Kagura but he still dragged us both by the wrist. The others followed us from behind.

As we ran outside the hospital the skies turned the darkest red. Fear started to kick in so I flickered out of Hayabusa's grip, he looked at me confused. "I-I don't think I'm ready yet..." I said in total fear. Hayabusa's face soften then hugged me "I know it's nerve-wracking to fight against an old friend, but if we don't stop him. All humanity and creatures will perish and can never be replaced" he said.

My eyes widen to see how chaotic the world is if we don't stop him. I inhaled "let's save the world" I coldly said. All of us smiled and continued ahead. As we go near him the skies got darker and dark as souls flew in the same direction. "look! There he is!" yelled Kagura, we looked at the monster. He was... Floating, Alucard saw his HP really low so he went in there and attack. I gasped "WAIT! ALUCARD NO! IT'S HIS SOUL!" Hanzo used his other 2nd skill, Alucard was shocked.

He was about to die, but Harith was there to save him by using Aegis. Harith smiled and helped him escape. Lesley kept on shooting him, lowering his HP. But it was no use, his lifesteal is stronger than before. Then Kagura flinged her umbrella and went back to, Blinding Hanzo for 0.5 seconds. Hayabusa then used his ulti. He was now knocked out.


Shit, I'm low in HP. As I see Hanzo passed out beside me, I took the advantage to tie him up with Kaja's whip. Don't ask me how I took the whip from Kaja, let's just say I have my "ways". "Is he awake?" asked the cat kid with pink hair, I don't her name so... "He got knocked out, Nana... it'll be hours for him to wake up" Lesley said as she tied her hair. Everyone were fine after the battle, but Hanabi was still staring at Hanzo like she wants to say something.

as you can see we're in a... what do you call those again? Hut? wait no it's a shack. Alucard helped me and Harith carry Hanzo while was passed out, not being tied up but being hugged by three guys. Lesley then sighed while fiddling with her fingers, Alucard looked at her "Oh right, it's almost Valentine's day. which means.." Lesley looked at Alucard and blushed "yeah, yeah. me and Gusion will be the new couple of this years-", someone cut her off "Valentine skins". his voice sounds new to me.

Lesley looked at the man and gasped. "well what do you know, speaking of the handsome devil" said Alucard as he also looked at the guy who is leaning on the door frame. Lesley was speechless until she said his name.


A Ninja's Mission //REWRITTEN//Where stories live. Discover now