S e v e n

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As we walk along the path that will lead us to the empire. Granger halted us "it's getting too dark, we should camp for the night" he said as he set down his... voilin case??

Hanabi complains "but the whole kingdom in in danger! we can't just stop like that?!", I held her back to restrain her. Granger looked at her and tilted his head "who said we were stopping? I'm just saying the night is dangerous for us to travel, we'll go on when the sun will rise" he said as he walk through the trees and made a campfire, that was quick. Everyone settled in as well, Eudora and Lesley are cooking, while the Harith and the other magical midgets are playing with Grock. Gusion is helping Lesley cook, Gord is with the royal protectors some how. Looks like they're planning though. I'm here sitting with Hanabi, Hayabusa went up in the trees and think. I looked at Hanabi, her face is still all gloomy and sad. 

I patted her shoulder "Everything will be alright Hanabi, Once the sun rises we'll be on our way to save the kingdom," I paused just to look at her "and your friend." I reassured, She sighed a smile then said "Thank you Kagura, I'm glad that Hayabusa met you, I wouldn't have met you either if he didn't", I giggled "It's actually nice to finally have someone who relates to me" I said. She looked at me confused, I cleared my throat and started talking about my past "my umbrella wasn't passed down to me, I took it and ran away from home." She looked at me surprised "w-why did you do that?" she asked, I shifted to fix my sitting position then told her "I wanted to help Hayabusa fulfill his mission he was talking about, to defeat your superior. At first I was scared, but then he helped me control it" I open up my umbrella just to let her see the power that's within it. 

She then asked "wait, I don't get your point, how do we relate?". "Hayabusa told me everything there is to know about you" I said "He told me that you took your ancestral blade and use it's power to become the first strongest female ninja". She blushed "H-he told you that?! that's embarrassing" she groaned "once I see his face I'm so gonna kick his butt" she clenched her fist. I chuckled "you don't have to be that harsh on him, he idolized you" I said. A small blush appeared on her face "H-he does?" she said, I giggled then nodded "I idolize you too" I said with a smile. 


"The sky sure is pretty" said Harley as we all lay on the grass and look up. "So many stars~" Harmony said as her ears twitch. "hey look it's the Zodiac squads' headquarters!" said Harith as he point at the big star shining purple and blue. "didn't professor Aurora went there after last year?" Asked Harley. Nana sighed "well duh, she was chosen to be the avatar of Aquarius" she said as she sat up and fixed her tail.

I giggled, those 3 really do have memories together. "Chopped up the blue onions for you" said Gusion as he sniffles. I chuckled "thank you" I thanked him then gave him a kiss on the cheek. Eudora called for Harith "Harith!" She said. The litte cat boy dashed to her "Yes ma'am!" he said as he salutes.

Eudora pointed to the lighted part of the forest, "the moon is full, which means glowshrooms will pop out. I want you," she then pointed at Harley "and you, to go out there a pick up a few" she said as she handed Harith a basket. Harley declines "no way I'm going out there alone with HIM" he said. Eudora glared at him, at this point I don't even care what's gonna happen to him.

"If you don't get me those shrooms then maybe I'll roast you instead" she threatened as electricity spark out of her hands. Harley gulped "y-yes ma'am" he said as he quickly grabbed Harith by the hand then started walking to that part of the forest "H-hey slow down Harley" said Harith as Harley is still dragging him.


"You know, you should've wait for her to give you a basket" I said as we know walk with me behind. "Doesn't matter, we only need one basket" He said as he continue to walk. "Eeehh?? but this tiny basket can only fit-" he cuts me off by hushing me. I went silent for a sec. "what is it?" I asked then looked the direction I was looking, my eyes widen at the sight. A fuzzy ball creature was eating the shrooms that Eudora told us to get. Harley quietly walks back to the camp, I hold onto his sleeve "hold on, we need to get the shrooms" I whispered.

Harley whispered loudly "no way I'm getting near that thing!" He said as he walks faster this time. I looked back at the creature, it does look dangerous. Maybe I should go back and tell Eudora I told myself, then dashed back to the camp.

"Harley?.. where are my shrooms?" Asked Eudora. Harley stuttered "w-well you see um, the shrooms are-" I cut him off. "There's a hairy ball creature eating the shrooms" I said. Eudora's eyes widen "a what creature?.." she asked. I then explain to her about the creature "it had sharp teeth, has no eyes, slightly black-purple...-ish, and it was eating the shrooms. Well, the only ones that are glowing" I said.

Eudora clenched on to the wooden spatula "so she got out huh.." she muttered. Everyone was confused. Hanabi and Kagura are back "is dinner ready?" Hanabi asked. They saw Eudora and me. I looked at her then asked "do you know about the ball creature?".

Eudora let out a heavy sigh "those ball creatures... are my former Student's doing" she said. The 3 us magic emitters gasped. "Who was it?" Nana asked. Eudora bit her lip, but said,

. . . "It was Lylia".


Sudden headaches sucks :(

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