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                Hello Dearie's...

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This is for u bday girl ScarletWrites41
I know its late and belated but what can I do when I'm too lazy to do anything 😂😂😂anyway belated happy birthday Nikki 😘😘😘...

Proof read Arshian_Vinny



Its afternoon and Arnav had buried himself in work but the guilt and pain doesn't go from his heart and let him concentrate. So being highly frustrated he throw the file on desk and shut his laptop with bang. Being tired from all the happenings, he open the side drawer and took cigarette and was going to lit it up when he suddenly saw khushi on the other side of the door. He immediately put cigarette in the drawer and close it. Khushi knocked the door.Till then he composed himself and pretends that everything is fine.

"Come in"

"Hi.." Khushi smiled and greeted.

"Khushi , you here? And how many times I have to tell you not to knock and come. You  just have to enter… you have all right...but you..." He said shaking his head in disbelief that she doesn't change. She bit her tongue and smiled sheepishly.

"Voh… you forgot your lunch and today morning you didn't even had your breakfast so… i am so sorry.. I just forgot after" She said blushing and take a sit on sofa near coffee table and open the container.

"Its OK...i was in hurry anyway so..." Arnav replied honestly.

"So what did you do after I left? I hope you didn't do any household chores?" He asked keenly observing her expression.

Khushi stop smiling and averted her eyes from him and look here and there.

"WO...woh I just made your lunch." She said with scared face. But seeing Arnav's glare she added "with the help of the maid...I just instructed her how to make because she doesn't know na your tastes so." She replied as a matter of fact.

Arnav was angry with her when she said she made lunch for him when her hand is burnt but after listening whole sentence he feel proud and happy. His heart feels immense love for his angel. He was happy and sad at the same time for hiding about his drinking and smoking habits. He knew he doesn't deserve her but he is too selfish to let her go. He needs her just like he needs his cigar for survival.

"Arnav... You were Right..." After some second she spoke. Arnav's trance was broken by her voice. And he asked with his expression what?"

"You were's you whom I should care about. Today morning we had argument on smoking and you were angry. I realised that I should not tie you and keep poking my nose in everything you do. I TRUST YOU. I DO!! And where there is trust there is no place for doubt or suspecting. I know That you'll never lie to me." Khushi said with her eyes overflowing with immense love and trust for her man.

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