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Sorry for being late...and thank you for voting and commenting on previous part...

Happy makarskranti to all..

Note : Mature content ahead if u not okay with its don't read.

Mature part was written by @MrsASR 

 proof reading done by 



''What was that ? Daal mein kuch kaala hai..pata lagana padega. (Something is fishy...I need to find out) " He thought. He had some feeling about room so he go behind her and open it. And his mouth left open seeing the room's state.

Khushi, after taking candles' from windows, teapoy and other places was standing and wondering that from where she should start cleaning the bed on which she spread rose petals. When she heard "What the !!" She gasped and turn back immediately. She is so shocked to speak anything.

" sab...?(All this..?)"

"Arnav...I told you to wait outside than why did you come inside? And this is ..... just nothing " she said looking around the room, hesitantly.

"I am sorry. Give me a minute. I will clean this." She said and move forward to clean the bed.

Arnav was looking all this with open mouth for few moments when a realization dawned upon him and he smiled which soon turned into smirk, seeing Khushi's state.

He close the door with a kick and came to her and said " So this is the surprise? " Khushi look down and gulped. "And I spoil it and your mood too, isn't it?" He asked mischievously. She gasped again and nodded in no.

"No Arnav, nothing like that. I am sorry..." She blabbered and rushed forward when stumbled.

"Careful dammit!" Arnav said coming near her immediately and held her in his arms.

"You okay...?" He asked, softly. She nodded and said embarrassingly ," You ...wait na...I will...just...clean it...."

Arnav's smirk widened and he nodded in denial. "You have put so much efforts in doing this decorations. And I absolutely loved it. So why not use it? This...romantically decorated bed." He husked. Khushi tried to get out of his hold but he picked her up and laid her on the bed. He slowly came on top of her.

Khushi looked at him with hitched breath and heaving chest.

" I planned all this without your permission. Aren't you angry? " She asked like a child.

And Arnav look at her with an are-you-serious look. "How can you think that I would get angry? Khushi...I gave you permission to do everything which you don't have to take my permission on everything. I love you from the bottom of my heart. And yes, I so desperately want to make love to you also. But I will wait until you are comfortable with me." He said softly and kissed her forehead, allowing his lips to linger for few moments.

Khushi didn't reply. She was too overwhelmed with all the love and respect which her heart was bursting with for her man. He truly had proved to be her knight in shining armor.

"But khushi looking at all these decorations and YOU, in my arms, I can't control. I wants to love you...but..." He said huskily biting her earlobe. Khushi moaned a little and asked, "But...What?"

KHALISH (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now