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Proof read Arshian_Vinny

Times flew away fast with our love beings. A few months pass like this in Arshi's life also. They have their cute and sweet moments , sometimes little bickering, sometimes arguments, sometimes passionate nights but most important was their growing love and trust on each other. Khushi hadn't changed much she was still talkative, naive and innocent but now she opened up more and show her love to Arnav more easily. Arnav is still in guilt period mode and now he is trying to lessen his cigarette because he feels like he has somehow betrayed her. He spend most of his time with her. Every other week he planned dates, outing, shopping etc just to see her happy. In this period he try many times to tell her about his smoking habit but couldn't because whenever he tried Khushi's tears stricken face come in front him and he used to remember her words that "she will leave him and die" and he back out. Thus why he tried to lessen his smoking habit and try to stop fully but was not able to yet.

It was as usual day for them but today Arnav is late from office. His meeting was extended and he didn't get time to inform khushi about the same. He cursed the investors under his breath for not taking any decision and that's why the deal was taking more time to finalize. He missing Khushi terribly and and thinking about her only during the meeting knowing she must be worried for him coz he didn't inform her. Every other time he inform her if he get late or if something there but today he didn't get time.

On other side khushi exactly doing what Arnav think. She is hell worried for him and is checking her phone if she received text or any call from him every two min. She is pacing the length of hall biting her nails and cursing her LG " Laad governor.. Ek phone nahi kar sakte kya agar late hone wale hai to.."... "ghar aane do aaj to unki kheir nahi.." (Laad-Governor.. Can't he even call once and inform if he's going to get late, let him come today and I'll not leave him in peace.)

Sometime she was cursing him and sometime praying for him to her devi maiya to make him reach home safely. She too is missing him like he misses her. They always call each other   numerous times in a day if it's not possible they at least text each other. But today nothing of this sort of happened due to Arnav's meeting so she is now worried for his health.

Finally, the deal is final and meeting is over and Arnav first call his jaan to hear her melodies voice. Khushi received phone in first ring with panicking and scold him.

"Jaan" pause "ha" pause "sorry" pause "I will be there"

''Arnav lagta hai aaj tumhari band bajne wali hai." He uttered to himself. He keep the phone in pocket and take laptop bag headed towards parking. He is exhausted with line of meetings morning to nights and he feel like smoking but he doesn't coz of his promise to himself that he will lessen the cigarette and leave it permanently.

He drove of to home asap. He ring the bell finally being the home. Khushi open the door. Arnav is taken a back seeing her in Kali avatar. Her one hand has ladle and other hand on her waist. She is too angry. Her eyes spitting fire.

"You are gone Arnav" he speak under his breath.

But Arnav didn't gave her time to do something and scoop her in his manly arms and push the door behind and take her inside and start his technique to pacify her. He settled her on sofa and sit beside her.

"So someone missed me?" Arnav asked with mischief to lessen her anger. He know today he is at fault.

"Do you have any shame Raizada?" She said pushing him.

"What shame?" He asked baffled.

"First you come so late and didn't tell me or call me that you will be late and now pacifying me like this?" She said flaring her nose.

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