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Hello people....

How are you all??

Its been long time, right? So sorry for that...but I have my reason for that...i will tell in last....till than enjoy the reading.

“Arnav..the milk was...Ahhh….” Khushi screamed as the glass shards prick one of her feet. 

Arnav immediately turned around to see her foot bleeding. Her face was contorted with pain which he could also feel in his heart. 

He rushed towards her & lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the living room. She wounded her one hand around his neck & the other clutched his shirt from front. She was in a lot of pricking pain as the glass piece was still inside her skin. 

Arnav slowly sat her on the couch & knelt down before her. Placing her wounded foot on his thigh, he tried to locate the glass piece. Fortunately it was a small piece of glass & not a big one. Khushi shut her eyes & gripped his shoulders tight, fearful of more pain when he plucked the shard out. 

Then slowly putting her foot down, he got up to retrieve a first-aid kit from the drawer. Coming back he again sat down on the floor taking her wounded foot on his lap. 

He cleaned her wound properly & after applying an antiseptic cream, he covered the wounded part with a gauge carefully. 

Khushi, who was expecting some scoldings from him, was looking at him confusedly as he nursed her without uttering a word. She knows he is angry but due to her pregnancy, he is controlling his ire.

Slowly placing her foot back on the ground, he got up to place the first-aid kit back. But she held his hand stopping him. He stopped but didn't turn back. 

"Arnav.." She called him feebly. The pain due to the wound & fear of his anger was palpable in her voice. "I'm sorry." She apologised softly. 

Arnav sighed & turned around. He could see tears dangling on her eyelids, threatening to roll down. He sat near her, keeping the first-aid kit aside. 

Cupping her face, he wiped her tears tenderly. She hid herself in his chest & a sob escaped her mouth. He enveloped her protectively in his arms. 

"I'm sorry Arnav.. I'm so sorry. I know you are upset with me. I'm giving you tough time by my childish behaviour & my illogical tantrums. You are trying your best to take care of me & instead of cooperating, I'm just troubling you by not adhering to your words which are for my & our baby's wellness. But believe me, I'm not doing all these willingly Arnav. My pregnancy hormones are getting the worst of me." She cried in his chest. "Please don't be upset with me Arnav. I can't bear it. Please forgive me." She again apologized, gripping his waist tight. 

"Shhh.. Khushi.. Baby don't cry." He caressed her hair & back soothingly, to calm her down. Slowly raising her face from his chest, he cradled it between his palms & kissed her wet eyes lovingly. Her sobs had lessened. 

"Khushi I love you very much & I can bear your childishness, your tantrums throughout my life. I can pamper you till my last breath. But right now, it's not only about you, it's about our baby as well, who is growing inside you, whose' life depends on you." He gently kept his palm on her slightly swollen belly of four months. "I can take care of you but our baby's care & wellbeing is in your hands Khushi. If you stay happy, healthy & careful then the baby will get all of that through you." He said caressing her belly. Khushi was listening to his words intently. "We have already lost our first baby Khushi, which wasn't our fault. But this time our baby's life is in our hands. We need to nourish it with lots of love, care & proper nourishment, so that it comes into this world healthy & happy. For that to happen, you need to eat & drink healthy food, consisting of lots of proteins & vitamins. You need to be happy & smiling. All these is good not only for our baby's health but for you as well because you are now living a life of two people & later you will need lots of energy to give birth to our baby. But if you will be this careless & irresponsible towards yourself, then it will affect your health & eventually the baby's as well. Just like it happened now." He said pointing to her bandaged foot. She nodded guiltily. 

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