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Hello peeps...👋

Again late...I know 😩😟☹️☹️

Sorry for that...but here is again long update...5.4k + words

Proof reading by suryakavi0912

Thank u my 🥝 kiwi...😍😍❤️❤️


Next day…

Khushi is in the kitchen eating some fruits and she gulped a bowl full of papaya in lost mind and left for Nani's room as HP told her that nani has called her to select her wedding jewellery.

Arnav came down holding his heavy head and came across her.

“Khushi..”Arnav saw her and clutched his terribly aching head. His mouth was still smelling of cigarettes, he smoked yesterday.

Khushi smelled something odd and frowned her brows but then avoided “Yes Arnav??” she asked smiling.

“Can you please give me an aspirin. I'm having a very severe headache.” Arnav said massaging his head.

“Hey, what happened?” Khushi asked concerned. Arnav told her that he is fine but has a headache for not sleeping properly.

Khushi nodded and got a tablet of aspirin from her room & gave it to Arnav. She still smelled cigarette from his mouth but kept quiet.

Arnav gulped it and then inquired about her medicines. She assured him that she has taken them on time.

Arnav asked if she had it empty stomach then Khushi replied of having some fruits before having her meds. Arnav asked which fruits she had. Khushi was about to say papaya but she stopped as she realised her folly and her breath was taken away. She went numb cupping her mouth & eyes shut tight.

Arnav frowned seeing her going numb and asked, “What happened? Which fruit did you eat?”

Khushi shook her head and rushed out to find Anjali. Arnav found it suspicious and was about to follow her but then his he went to his room deciding to ask her later.

Khushi tried to find Anjali but couldn't and started crying in Anjali’s room.

After getting freshen up Arnav went to Khushi's room. Not finding her there he went to Anjali's room.

“Di..” Arnav knocked.

He opened the door and saw Khushi crying, sitting on the bed.

“Khushi..!!” A shocked Arnav exclaimed.

Khushi stood up and rushed towards him, hugged him tight, clutching his shirt from behind in tight fists and was crying terribly.

“Khushi ...what happened? Why are you crying?  Are you feeling pain anywhere? Is our baby okay??” Arnav asked concerned, caressing her back to stop her crying.

“Ar..Arnav..vo..” Khushi hiccuped. Arnav broke the hug and took her to the bed and made her sit. He offered her water to drink. She sipped the water still hiccupping.

“Now tell me what happened?” Arnav asked keeping the glass back on the table.

Khushi narrated him what she did unintentionally.

“Khushi.. Are you mad?” Arnav yelled holding her upper arms.

Khushi looked down crying and asked him to do something.

“Khushi, did you eat ripe Papaya?” Arnav asked.

“I.. I don't remember. In tension I forgot.”

KHALISH (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now