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Dan ran until his calves burned and his thighs ached, he ran until his head was cloudy and his heart was pounding so hard he thought it would jump out of his rib cage for sure. He clutched the switchblade in the palm of his head, his shoes sending out a loud squeak as he quickly stopped on a pavement. He had hit a dead end. The car that was trailing him stopped a couple blocks away when PJ climbed out and chased after Dan, shouting his name and such profanities. 

Dan spun around to see PJ turning into the alleyway, his eyes burned with anger and hate, he was clutching a pistol in his hand, the shiny metal glimmering in the sunlight. Daniel was going to die, and he knew it. The green eyed boy closed the distance between the pair, his chest heaving and hands shaking. 

"Look what you've done, Daniel. You've ruined everything! The police wont do anything, but I know you did! You fucking admitted it to me and expect me not to go to the police." PJ grabbed Dan by the collar, shoving him roughly against the brick wall that belonged to a building that surrounded them. "Drop the knife, Dan." PJ commanded, his other hand holding the gun to Dan's neck, his eyes burning into the brunet's as Daniel couldn't even look him in the eyes. 

"I said drop it!" PJ suddenly yelled, taking Dan off the wall before pushing him back against it, juts like Phil had done to him a couple short days ago at school.

The younger boy dropped the knife, the weapon clattering to the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut- sure that PJ would pull the trigger and end everything. The odd thing was, Daniel wasn't particularly scared- sure, he didn't want to die, he just didn't wanna ruin the fun. He was finally free, why couldn't people see that? 

"You know, I could have lived with the thought of you cheating on me with Phil, it was destined to happen after all, you two are like animals- can't go a day without everyone's attention, huh, Dan?" He let in a shaky breathe before continuing. "But you killed- murdered- my best fucking friend!" 

"Just do it. Pull the trigger, Peej." Dan could see PJ's dissolve waver as Dan said the nickname, the name Dan always said when he was being sincere. That's how PJ knew Daniel wasn't lying when he spoke, when he called him Peej. 

"No. You'd like that, wouldn't you? For this to all just be an easy way out. Fuck you." PJ laughed, all of the love sucked out of his beautiful laugh, green eyes demented with power. "I'm turning you in and you are serving your time. Away from Phil." 

"How about, no." A scruffy voice came from behind. PJ froze when he felt the cold metal of a gun press against his back. "Put the boy down, Liguori." 

"Shoot me, Lester. I don't have anything else to live for now." PJ laughed again, the curls dangling down and hanging in his eyes. 

"Put him down. Now!" Phil growled.

PJ knew that Phil couldn't shoot him, the blast would go though him and hit Daniel. He knew Phil would't risk that. As the two boys were talking, Dan had managed to get his hand between him and PJ's arm. Dan made eye contact with the raven haired boy, glancing from his hand back to Phil, the older boy took note then nodded.

"If you shoot me, I'll shoot him- wouldn't want princess here getting hurt, do we?" PJ smirked.

Suddenly Dan pushed his palm against PJ's wrist, knocking the gun away from his neck. In one swift motion, Dan dropped to the ground like a rock, the bullet flying over his head as PJ pulled the trigger. Phil held PJ up against the wall by tucking his shotgun under PJ's chin, a devilish smite printed onto PJ's face. 

Dan covered his crazy head as Phil pulled the trigger, the loud blast causing Phil's ears to ring. The older boy dropped to the ground, clutching his head and yelling at the top of his lungs, his head dizzy and cloudy. Dan crawled over to Phil, pulling his head into his lap as Phil struggled to regain his hearing. The brunet knew it was a matter of time people someone checked it out, two gun shots in one area was bound to get the police called.

"We have to go, we have to go." Dan said, knowing Phil couldn't hear him, but the sentence made him feel better. 

Dan dragged Phil up by his shoulders, the older boy could only make out fragments of Dan's sentences, "We... to... go... We... to... go..." Like a mantra in Phil's head. He looked over at PJ's body, his head blown into pieces, the blast painting the wall red. 

"COME ON!" Phil heard, his head snapping back to Daniel who was tugging Phil away down the alleyway.

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