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The second I got the call about our mum I left town and 6 hours and 3 buses later I got off in the middle of nowhere, shivering and alone. It would have been too dark to read the signpost if it wasn't for the luminescent glow of the street light. 'Welcome to Oldhyven' except the 'welcome to' had been crossed out in spray paint. Finding somewhere to sleep was my priority but exhaustion threatened to drag me down so I decided to just stay in a B&B. It was only 2 streets before I found the perfect place. And by perfect I mean cheap. Very cheap. 

Shivering, I made my way towards the desk and rang the bell. A woman older than time emerged from behind a grimy, curtain and asked for my ID. I handed her my fake one and she scoffed at the picture staring up at her. It was me from about a year ago, my brown hair curled and sleek, bouncing by my shoulders, Brown eyes wide and sparkling. I hated every photo of me ever taken but looking at it in that dingy reception that smelt like cigars and death, I suddenly realised I looked pretty. For a moment I didn't think she would believe it was me but she handed it back and asked me what I was looking for. "A room. Cheapest you have. Just one night" She didn't look up as she wrote it in her book (Apparently the 'Smithe Bed ad Breakfast' hadn't evolved into a 21st century establishment where everything was done on paper as opposed to on computers) "There you go" she handed me my a key and pointed me along the corridor where my room awaited. "Thanks" I murmured as I made my way past the long dead houseplants and sinister paintings layering the damp walls to the smallest, most cramped hotel room anyone had ever set foot in. 

I sat down on the bed, trying with all my might not to imagine how filthy it must be, and tried to think what I was going to do. All I had with me were the clothes I was wearing and what I had in my bag. I emptied the contents onto the duvet beside me and sorted through. My mobile, some old receipts, half a packet of tissues, 2 Chap-sticks, my fake ID, my real ID, £846 on my card and the knife I'd carried with me every day since the first time my dad hit me.

Dark Heroes: chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now