Chapter 1

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Your name is Y/N, And you lived in Brooklyn, New York. It was a nice Monday morning, and You were walking down the street to Your Best Friend, Miles's house, and you were excited. After a few minutes, you knocked softly on the door. When the door opened, It revealed Miles Mom, Rio Morales.

Rio: "Oh! Hey, Y/N!" She smiled warmly, and hugged you softly.

Y/N: "Hi, Mrs. Morales! Is Miles here??"

Rio: "Yeah. He's in his room. Please come in!"

You walked inside.

Y/N: "Thank you, Mrs. Morales."

Rio: "No Problem, sweetie! He's waiting for you!"

She pushed you slightly. You laughed slightly, and rolled your eyes. You saw Jefferson Morales, and saluted.

Y/N: "Hi Mr. Morales."

He chuckled, and saluted back."

Jefferson: "At ease, soldier."

You walked up stairs, And knocked on the door. There was no answer. You raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Miles?"

You put your right ear to the door, and heard humming, and singing. You smirked. You instantly knew it was Miles.

(Miles POV)

I was i my room, Coloring one of my stickers, and listening to one of my favorite songs called Sunflower with my headphones, until I heard a knock on the door.

Y/N: "Hello? Miles?

Miles: "I'm Coming!"

I opened my bedroom door, and saw Y/N smirking, and had her arms crossed around her chest. I blushed slightly, and rubbed the back of my neck.

Miles: "H-hey Y/N... You weren't listening to that...were you?

Y/N nodded slowly, and bit her bottom lip.

Y/N: "I'll admit... I thinm you sing pretty good."

She put her soft and warm hand on my shoulder with a kind smile on her beautiful face. I smiled down at her in return.

Miles: "Wow. I guess."

After that, We both hugged each other softly.

Y/N: "Oh! That reminds me, Come on! Get your stuff, Hurry! We're going to be late!"

Miles: " Oh! Ok! I'll be right there, Hold on!"

Y/N: "Can I help you with the packing?"

Miles: "Thanks, but you don't have to."

She shook her head, and smiled softly, which I returned again. We both went into the room, and started to pack my stuff.

Jefferson: "Are you done packing?"

Miles: " Uh, yeah!"

Jefferson: "Come on, son! Your a grown man now! If you want, I can drive you!"

Miles: "We can walk! Where's my laptop?"

He put his drawing book in his mouth, while Y/N grabbed his basket of clothes, and folded them up neatly, Then put them in his suitcase.

Miles fixed his collar, then they were some what ready. Jefferson put Miles's laptop in his backpack as he grabbed a spoonful of soup from a pot.

Rio: Miles! Y/N! You guys need to go!

Miles: "In a minute!"

Rio: "No! You need to go now!"

Miles: "In a minute!"

~Time Skip~ (end of Miles POV)

Rio was kissing both of thier cheeks. Y/N didn't seem to mind, but Miles was struggling to break free from her grasp.

Miles: "Mom! We need to go!"

Rio: "In a minute! See you both on Friday!"

And with that one last kiss on the cheek, they left. Miles was helping Y/N sticking on the stickers he colored on almost everything on the street. They got their morning greets from one of their other friends.

Boy: "Did you feel that earthquake last night.

Miles: "Bro, What you talking about? I slept like a baby last night!"

Girl: "We miss you guys!"

Miles, and Y/N: "You missed us, We still live here!"

Y/N was trying to keep up with Miles. They were putting a sticker on a stop sign, until he tripped,and they both fell on the ground. He layed on top of Y/N. They were both wide eyed, and blushed. They almost got run off by a police car.

???:Both of you, In the car. Now.

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