Chapter 27

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Miles, And Y/N swinged up, and did a few backflips past Peter, and Gwen.

Peter: "Guys!"

Gwen: "Be careful!"

You both squished through two buildings, and swinged towards the collider. You landed on the collider, and jumped off of it. A bus came towards you, but you swinged away before it could hit you. You grabbed each other's hands, and landed on the ceiling. You did the same tricks that your old Peter did. You sighed in relief.

Miles: "That was crazy."

You giggled at his silliness, and went to the panel.

Peter: "Uh, We taught them that, Right?"

Gwen: "I didn't teach them that, And you definitely didn't."

Theu swinged up towards you. Meanwhile, Peni saw her pet Spider webbed down from the machine as it whimpered sadly. She held her hands put, and it crawled on her palms to her shoulder. She clamped her mouth as Sp//dr glitched a little until two hearts that represented eyes went out one by one. Tears welled up in her eyes. She cried until Spider-Noir placed a hand on her shoulder as Spider-Ham looked at Sp//dr, sadly.

Spider-Noir: "You ok?"

She didn't respond, but she nodded slightly. She grabbed his hand, and walked away.

Spider-Noir: "Come on."

She hopped on his shoulder, and they swinged up towards you. Miles put the USB in the panel, Then the controls popped up.

Miles: "Guys, I got control of the beam! Get up here!"

You pulled your mask off. You smiled st him lovingly, and grabbed his hand.

Y/N: "You did it, Miles."

He pulled his mask off too, and he was blushing red. He suddenly smirked as he kissed your hand.

Miles: "We did it. I couldn't do any of this without you, My Sunflower~"

He kissed your cheek softly, and you blushed even worse than he did. The rest of the spiders made it, now it was time for the goodbyes. You weren't a big fan of goodbyes. To be honest, They were like a family to you, but one things for sure: you wete going to miss them.

Gwen: "I guess this is it."

Peni: "Well, It's nice to know we're not alone, Right?"

Gwen: "Yeah."

She looked down sadly as Miles Typed on the controls

Miles: "I got the portal open! You first, Peni."

She smiled at us, and looked down at her Spider on her arm.

Peni: "Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, Miles. For both of us."

She waved at us, and fell into the beam, Then she was gone.

Spider-Noir: "I, uh, love you all."

He held up the rubik's cube in his hand, it will be the only thing with color in his dimension.

Spider-Noir: "I'm taking this cube thing with me. I don't understand it, but I will..."

Then he fell into the beam. He wad gone. Spider-Ham approached us.

Spider-Ham: "I want you two to have this. It'll fit in you pocket."

He handed his huge mallet to Miles, who took it, and smiled at him awkwardly.

Spider-Ham: "That's all, Folks."

Peter: "Is he allowed to say that? Like legally?"

He raised his arms up as a tear fell from his eye. He fell into the beam, then he was gone. You both turned towards Gwen, and held your hand out for her to take.

Y/N, And Miles: "Friends?"

Gwen pulled off her mask, and smiled sweetly, and took your hands.

Gwen: "Friends."

Y/N, And Miles: "Cool."

Gwen: "See you around, Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman."

You all nodded at each other before he let go of her grip, and fell into the beam. You turned towards Peter.

Miles: "Your turn."

Peter pulled off his mask, and smiled sadly as he looked down.

Peter: "Yeah, Yeah right."

You suddenly heard growling, then you Spidey senses went off again. You couldn't help but turn around, and saw Kingpin ripped apart a water tower in half.

Kingpin: "Your not going ANYWHERE!"

He. Looked. Very. Angry.

Uh oh...

Peter quickly put his mask back up.

Peter: "I'll hold him off, you two shut this down!"

Miles grabbed his wrist before he could get to Kingpin.

Miles: "Peter! That wasn't the deal!"

He ignored him, and pushed him away.

Peter: "Push the green button! Do NOT wait for me!"

Before he could shoot another web, you leaped of the ceiling, and swung your web at him. He screamed when you flew him towards another building. Peter pulled his mask off, angrlily.

Peter: "What are you doing?!"

You, and Miles looked at him sternly, and landed in front of him.

Y/N: "Peter, You gotta go home!"

Peter: "This guy can kill you!  I can't let Spider-Woman, and Spider-Man die!"

Y/N, and Miles: "Neither can I!"

He furrowed his eyebrows at us, and frowned.

Peter: "It's ok."

Miles: "Yeah. It is ok."

He said calmly. Peter gasped as you suddenly swept him off his feet. Before he could fall into the beam, Miles caught him by the his suit. You both did the same trick that Peter did to you, and Miles back at the room. You crouched down beside him. Miles smiled slightly.

Miles: "You gotta go home, Man."

Peter looked up at you both, and grabbed onto Miles arm.

Peter: "How do I know I'm not gonna mess it up again?"

Y/N: "You won't."

Peter chuckled dryly.

Peter: "Yeah. It's a leap of faith. Make sure you take goof care of her, Miles."

He smiled down at you, and you both nodded at each other. With one last look, Miles let's go of his suit. He whispered one last thing as he smiled.

Peter: "Not bad, Kids."

And with that, he fell into the beam. Miles pulled down his mask, and he reached his hand out for you, and you gladly took it.

Miles: "Let's finish this...together?"

He pulled you up as you smiled underneath your mask. You intertwined his fingers with yours.

Y/N: "Together."

💙Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse(Miles Morales x Reader)💙Where stories live. Discover now