Chapter 2

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Y/N and Miles were sitting in the police car looking out the window in boredom, while Jefferson Davis, Miles's dad, was driving them to the school. It was silent before Miles broke it.

Miles: "Seriously Dad, Walking would have been fine."

Jefferson: "You can walk around plenty on Saturday when you take those stamps off."

Miles: "Really? You saw that? I don't think ot was me dad."

He elbowed your shoulder playfully as you smiled sweetly, Trying to hide a laugh.

Jefferson: "And the two from yesterday."

Miles: "Yeah..t-those were me..."

He looked through the rear view mirror, and saw something that caught his attention. A coffee shop with a large line.

Jefferson: "So, uh, look at that! have you seen that coffee shop."

Miles, and Y/N: "Yeah, Totally."

Jefferson: "What is it called?"

Miles, and Y/N: "Foam Party."

He chuckled a hearty laugh.

Jefferson: "Foam party? Come on! And everyone is just lining up!I mean what is it? A disco or something?"

Y/N giggled, and looked at Miles, Who rolled his eyes and looked back out tge window.

Miles: "Dad, your old."

Suddenly they passed through the streets Tv as it showed Spiderman swinging through the city with his weds.

Then he started rabbling about Spiderman. In shorter terms, he didn't really like him that much. He didn't hate him though.

Jefferson: *sighs* "Spiderman. This guy is around here, zip, zap, zop in his little mask, And answers to no one!"

He stopped at a red light before continuing on his ramble.

Jefferson: "And meanwhile my guys are out there, Lives on the line, No masks! You know we show our faces."

You and Miles just tuned out his voice. Then a group of people started to crowd around the car suddenly.

Y/N: "Oh no.."

Miles looked at you worriedly. He put his hand on your shoulder softly.

Miles: "Y/N, What's wrong?"

Y/N: "Look..."

You pointed out the window. He looked outside his window to follow your gaze and his entire body panicked immediately as he placed a hand on the window.

Miles: "Dad, Speed up! We know these kids."

Jefferson: "You know, with great ability comes great accountability."

You and Miles roll your eyes in unison.

Miles: "That's not even how the saying goes, dad."

He mumbled under his breath. They soon got into an argument about him running on a red light.

Miles: "Oh my gosh, Don't cops run red lights?"

He asked himself rushingly, Trying his best to hide his face with both of his hands from the sudden crowds of people taking pictures.

Jefferson: "Yeah, some do, but- *he clicked his tongue, and pointed at himself* Not your dad."

A few minutes, they finally made it to the entrance of the large school. A few students were crowded around the stairs.

Miles: "Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?"

Jefferson: "Miles, you've given it two weeks. We're not having this conversation."

Miles: "I just think that this new school is elitist, and I'd prefer to be at a normal school among the people."

Jefferson: "Among the people? These are your people."

He starts to raise his voice in anger slightly, and you could here it in his tone.

Miles: " I'm only here because I won that stupid lottery."

Jefferson: "No way. You passed the entry test just like everybody else, ok? Listen, you have an opportunity here? Do you wanna blow that up, huh? You wanna end up like your uncle?"

You squeaked quietly once he whipped his head towards You and Miles.

Miles: "What's wrong with Uncle Aaron? He's a good guy."

'Miles is clearly missing the point...' Jefferson thought to himself before he shook his head and sighed lowly.

Jefferson: "We all have choices in life."

Miles: "Well it doesn't feel like I have a choice in li-"

Jefferson: "YOU DON'T!"

They were silent for a moment before they looked away in shame while you looked down at your lap in slight embarrassment.

You finally broke the unsettling silence by getting out of the police car with Miles following after you in suit. They got their suitcases, and hopped out of the car.

Y/N: "Thank you so much for the drive, Mr. Morales!"

You smiled sweetly at him as you tried to act like nothing happened. He chuckled softly, and nodded his head at you.

Jefferson: "No problem, Sweetie. Anytime. Just stay in school, and stay safe."

Y/N: "Will do!"

Then, he turned his attention towards Miles, who tried to avoid his father's stern gaze.

Jefferson: "Hey, I love you, Miles."

Miles pulled out his suitcase and grinned slightly, but you could tell he was still upset about the heated argument.

Miles: "Yeah, I know dad. See you on friday. You ready, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yup!"

Mr. Morales gave Miles a sour look once his back was turned, his heart slightly aching.

As soon as they walked up the stairs, they heard a loud beep noise that made You and Miles cringe and stop dead in your tracks.

His dad's voice soon echoed throughout the street for everyone who was near them to hear.

Jefferson: "You gotta say I love you back."

Miles turned back, and his face obviously showed embarrassment and a little bit on anger.

Miles: "Dad, are you serious?!"

He just ignored his question and asked him again.

Jefferson: "I wanna hear it."

This made Y/N giggle softly, which also made Miles blushed darkly on his soft cheeks.

Miles: "You wanna hear me say it?"

Jefferson: "I love you, Dad."

Miles: "You're dropping us off at scho-"

Jefferson: "I love you, Dad."

He cuts him off while purposely dragging out the 'I'. Everyone around them were staring at them was whispering while some had covered their mouths to hide their smiles and laughs.

Miles: "Look at this place!"

He yelled as he extended his arms out.

Jefferson: "Dad, I love you."

Miles then looked back at Y/N. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head a little. He sighed in annoyance, and hooked his head up before rolling his eyes as he shook his head.

Miles: "Dad, I love you."

He said begrudgingly. Jefferson gave him a smug grin with a smile before he allowed him to go inside.

Jefferson: "That's a copy. And don't forget to tie your shoes!"

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