Chapter 21

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Y/N, Miles, Peter, And Gwen decided that you would take a shuttle to Queens. You guys snuck on the bus, and it took off. You sat next to peter, And Miles sat next to Gwen. While you looked out the window, He gave her the USB, and looked at it.

Gwen: "He broke this?"

Miles: "Yeah. He's actually really embarrassed about it so, let's just keep this between us, okay?"

She chuckled while shaking her head.

Gwen: "We could make a new one, and we won't let him break it this time."

He giggled, but his smile quickly fell.

Miles: "I'm sorry about your friend."

Gwen: "Thanks, Miles."

It was quiet for a moment when Gwen finally broke it.

Gwen: "I know how hard this is, to figure this stuff out for you two, but it's kinda nice not being the only Spider-person around."

Miles: "Yeah. If you ever decide to be friends again, I could always open up a slide."

Gwen looked at him, and nodded slightly.

Gwen: "I'll keep you posted."

Miles: "Cool."

Peter listened to their conversation, and smirked until he noticed you. You felt a pit of your stomach drop. You felt this...jealousy.

Peter: "You ok?"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah."

You sat at the back so you could let him sit sideways to rest. Mile looked at you, and Sighed. Gwen looked at you, and smirked.

Gwen: "Do you like her?"

Miles blushed madly, but nodded. She giggled. 

Gwen: "I can see why. She really cool."

Miles: Yeah. Hey, do you mind?"

Gwen: "Of course! Go get her, tiger~"

He blushed even worse than before, and got up. Gwen smiled, and looked out the window. You didn't even notice that Miles came to sit next to you. You jumped slightly.

Y/N: "Oh! Miles! I didn't see you there!"

Miles: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

He scooted closer to you, and smiled.

Miles: "I never got to thank you, Y/N. For saving me back there."

She smiled at him sweetly

Y/N: "You don't need to thank me, Miles. You mean everything to me."

Miles blushed, and grabbed your hand softly.

Miles: "It's just, I don't know where i'd be without you."

You blushed as he pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. You kissed his cheek, and chuckled when he sighed happily. You let him lean on your shoulder, waiting for your stop...

~Miles Pov~

Y/N was amazing! Her beautiful H/L H/C, her flawless S/C, her gorgeous E/C...her soft looking lips. She was was super kind, and personality is wonderful. She's so confident, and brave...everything about her was....perfect. How was I so lucky? I hope that when this is all over, I can confess my true feelings about her. I felt this way ever since. A few minutes later, we made to Queens

~None pov~

You made it to Aunt May's house. It was decorated beautifully with Spider-Man drawings, and pictures, with flowers, and candles. Peter thwiped a web at the door bell with a frown.

💙Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse(Miles Morales x Reader)💙Where stories live. Discover now