Chapter 17

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(Hey guys so it's the beach house!!!! Lyasm no hate plz bye👋💕xx)

Billies POV

I wake up to Kelly shaking me and screaming something.

"Fuck off" I groan.

"No! It's 9:45 and we have to leave at 10:30!" She shouts.

"That's forty five minutes" I shrug.

"Yeah but you've still got ice cream on your face, so go have a shower and get ready!" She literally drags me out bed.

I storm out the room and go down to the showers, when I'm there I see Britney, the head cheerleader, she always had an eye for Louis.

"Hey!" She chirps, it was to early for her perkiness. Chloe walks in and says hello to us, I get into the shower and let last nights disaster wash off me and go down the drain, I start humming along to a song, I didn't realise but it was his favourite song.

Look after you by the fray.

I stopped and thought of another song, I couldn't, why was my mind clouded by Louis? I started humming crazy stupid love by Cheryl cole and the next thing I know I'm singing at the top of my lungs.

"So you can sing!" Chloe pulls the shower curtain back, she's always been bugging me about joking choir but I always told her to fuck off.

"Dude!" I shout and pull the shower curtain over me.

"I'm not joining now fuck off!" I tell her, I hear her go back to the shower and I finish off and go back up to the dorm, it's 9:10 and Kelly's having a panick attack.

"Relax we packed everything yesterday" I told her. She nodded and sat down on the bed and started texting. I dry myself and get ready. I put a purple tank top on and high-waisted light washed denim jeans, I apply some light makeup and repack my straighteners and makeup once I've done and just as I'm done I get a text.

*look out your window ;)* Harry texts me. I look out my window and he's throwing stones at the window next to ours, I open the window and shout down.

"Hazza! What you doin?" He stops throwing the stones and he looks so embarrassed.

"I made you a sandwich!" He tells me, I start laughing and he throws the sandwich and our floor is on the third out of six floors so it's quite low, I reach out to catch it but miss, I position myself a little further and he throws it again, I reach forward and catch the sandwich, Harry looks down into the car and someone whispered something in his ear, he lifted his head up and called up to me.

"Careful! Your so far out the window! You nearly gave Lou a heart attack!" He says and we both realise what he just said. Louis was worried I would fall out the window. I went back into the dorm and shut the window, I grabbed my keys and my stuff and went down to my car, I shoved my things into my boot and so did Kelly.

"I call front seat!" Charlotte says.

"I shotgun front seat!" Ellie says. Ellie climbs onto charlottes back to stop her. I roll my eyes at them and turn to Kelly.

"You can sit in the front" I tell her, she steps in and I yonk my horn at the two and they get in the back and fasten their seat belts, I look over to Harry's car and he nods to me and signals that it's time to go. I start my car and wind all the windows down. I connect my phone to the car and blare my music loud.

"Your not 17 anymore Billie" Harry chuckles from his car.

"Shuddup" I say.






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