Chapter 62

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(Hey guys, the picture on the side is what billie is wearing when she's going out, anyway, please keep reading and please vote, lyasm byee x)

Billies POV

I hop into Louis' car and his eyes travel down my body, his lips part abit and a small gasp escapes.

"What?" I laugh.

"You look so beautiful" He shakes his head in amazement.

"If im honest you look pretty hot yourself" My eyes rake down what hes wearing.

A white v-neck shirt, showing off his tattoo just the way I like it. A pair of black skinny jeans topping off the outfit.


"Im not gonna get too drunk because of classes tomorrow" I tell keeley. 

She nods and hands me a drink, the vodka burns down my throat but it feels good.

I only have about five drinks before I get bored.

"I want to go back now" I say to Louis. He nods in understandment and he takes me back to his car.

"Why did you want to go back so early?" Louis asks.

"I got bored" I shrug.

He stops and I begin to climb out the car but he grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you more" I smile, our foreheads pressed together.

I get out the car and make my way to my dorm building.

I see my dad and his wife Charlotte, strange to see them here.

"Hi, what are yous doing here?" I ask them.

"This has gone on long enough, tell her" Charlotte pushes my dad.

"I-i-i, uhm, I only made up with you for a joke, I'm not sorry, you were completely out of order" My dad starts to rant. I feel my eyes start to tear up.

I hear a car shut and louis comes and stands next to me.

"Fuck off before I lose it with you" Louis warns.

"Goodbye" My dad and Charlotte carelessly say as they walk away.

Louis doesn't say anything, he just wraps his arms around me and let's me sob into his chest.


I snuggle up to Louis' chest and I feel so warm and safe, just here in his arms.

We slowly drift off to sleep and I never want to wake up from this.

(Sorry it's short but I will update again tonight so don't worry, I hope yous all liked it, anyway, lyasm, byee x)

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