Chapter 66

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Louis' POV

The doctor returns looking really sorry, he sits down and looks at me deep in the eye.

"Im really sorry to tell you this Mr Tomlinson but you have been diagnosed with rheumatoid (Don't know what that means just a random word)" He says.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's a heart tumor, you've had it for five months now, but it seems nobody has told you and thats very very bad, because you only have about a week left" He says sorrowfully.

I don't say anything, I just sit there in shock, I can't fucking belive I only have a week left.

"Mr Tomlinson, is there anyone you would like us to call?" He asks me.

"No, it's fine" I shake my head.


"Do you have to go so soon?" My mum asks.

"Yeah, I feel really ill" My throat is still scratchy and itchy.

"Ok, I love you, take care of yourselves" My mums hugs us both.

"Love you too" I smile.

"Bye louis" The twins say.

"Come here" I say to them. "I love yous, don't change for anyone"

They nod and smile at me.

"I love yous" I wrap Fizzy and Lottie in a hug, knowing it would be the last.

We get into the car and drive back to my flat and campus.


We finally arrive back home and I drop billie off at her dorm.

"Are you sure your feeling okay?" She asks me.

"Im fine, just a little flu, must have got it off Niall" I luagh even though it hurts to.

I drive back to the flat and Niall is there.

"You gave me your flu" I tell him.

"Sorry" He laughs.

I unpack all my stuff and get changed into pyjamas, I get into bed and decide to rest, since I felt like shit.

I fall asleep for about fifteen minutes before Niall knocks on my door.

"Billies here" He smiles.

She walks in with a bowl of carrot soup and bread, she sits down on my bed and smiles at me.

"How you feeling?" She asks.

"Shit" I reply.

"Awh, I decided to see you because you didn't call me yesterday" She says.

What? I thought I was only asleep for fifteen minutes but it was a whole fucking day? Holy shitbag.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Louis" She whines.

"Billie" I mimick her, eating my soup.

"Do you think maybe, uhm, you would want to get married? I know we're only in college but I think our relationship is strong and we should get married when we leave" She fiddles with her shirt.

I want to, of course I want to, I just don't want to hurt her, although I can't control me dieing. I actually already bought her a ring because I was planning on proposing on valentine's day.

"Billie, I don't know, I will think about it when I'm better" I wink.

She nods and her eyes go wide. "Your so pale" She reaches across and feels my forehead.

She turns the radiator on but I'm roasting hot.

She falls asleep next to me but she ends up leaving before ten at night.

My throat starts itching again and before I know it I'm coughing into a handkerchief, it's white so the red liquid is visible.

My eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep, my aching body rests as my eyes do.


Niall walks into my room and wakes me up.

"You coming go school?" He asks.

"No, I feel too much like shit" I reply.

He nods and leaves for school.

Billies POV

Niall walks up to us all with a frown on his face.

"What's the matter Babe?" Kelly asks.

"Louis, he's really pale and isn't well, it's worse than what I had" He says.

"He'll be okay" I assure him.

"Okay" Niall shrugs and we all go to lesson but louis is always on my mind.

(I have to end it there because of what's happening and stuff but I hope you liked it x)

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