[ S E V E N T E E N ]

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angry kookie!

i was walking down the hall, to go to the cafeteria when someone tapped my shoulder. i turned around and fear washed over me.

"j-jackson?" he didn't say anything at first and just pulled me by my arm behind him. "hey let go, i have to-" he covered my mouth with his large calloused hand. he pushed open the door of the boys locker room and walked me in, shutting the door behind us. "what are you doing?"

"you know... i never saw this before but you're pretty hot." he bit his lip as he looked me up and down. my eyes widened and i yelped when he squeezed my ass. "those pants are amazing on your ass babe..." i pushed his hand away and went to leave.
no way this is happening again, especially not with Jackson.

"where do you think you're going?" he pulled me by my hair and threw my back against the lockers in the change room.

"let go! what the fuck do you want?" i said, tears staring to fill my eyes. jackson licked his lips.

"i bet you'd be pretty great to fuck huh? i want to hear your pretty little moans taehyung." my head was spinning, jackson was super popular and had everyone falling to their knees like jungkook does, what does he all of a sudden want with me?!

"no way!" i tried to push him away but his arms were like steel and kept me pinned on the locker.

"i don't take no for an answer, now turn around baby." he flipped me over, slamming my chest and side of my face against the cold locker, he started trying to pull my pants off my hips.

"hel-!" again, my mouth was covered with his hand, muffling my screams for help. i stopped on his foot like i did with jungkook that one time to get him away, but jackson just got even more mad. he pulled me up and slammed me into the locker again, this time with more force. i started crying and gasping in pain, but just before he pulled my pants off, the door swung open.

despite my situation, seeing an angry jungkook burst the door open sent a rush of relief through me. jackson kept me pinned, but i managed to weakly smile through my tears at jungkook who made eye contact with me. jungkook's lip twitched and he charged at jackson, pushing him straight over. i fell over myself from the impact but i was okay, i looked over at them and saw jungkook sitting on top of jackson, repeatedly punching his face till his own knuckles bled.

i look away, since blood made me sick to my stomach.


rage took over, the sight of jackson hurting taehyung made me more angry then i think i've felt in a long time.

"don't fucking touch him!" i shouted as i stared gripping his neck with my hands. not before long, jackson managed to get me off and started kicking and punching me like i did to him. all i could taste was blood and my knuckles felt numb. i heard taehyung shouting but that was soon replaced with a loud ringing noise in my head, then i blacked out.


jungkook looked like he was getting weaker, i practically threw myself on jackson to get him away from jungkook, i screamed and punched his back.
jungkook suddenly dropped to the floor, his arms going limp and eyes fluttering closed. jackson got up, spitting out blood and glared at me. i was shaking and sobbing and scared out of my mind!

"this is your fucking fault taehyung." he said in a stern voice before fleeing from the locker room.

i dropped down on my knees in front of jungkook, he still wasn't moving so i checked if he was breathing, which he was. i sighed in relief but was still worried out of my mind. i tried to lift the older, but he was too big, i didn't want to go anywhere for the school nurse incase he woke up in this state..

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