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(Kiara's P.O.V.)

I heard a scream in my head as something major happened in my old thunder. I felt the alpha position shift not once but twice. I felt the pain of having it rewrote and started to shift into my lavender and blue dragon. I ran to the water and swam as fast as I could to the thunder.

When I got there I saw everyone bow to Hunter. I screamed as I saw Micah's body. I saw Elizabeth look up and heard her growl at me. I saw her start to stalk toward me with murder in her eyes. I felt Hunter get up to follow and knew that he had no idea what she was capable of. She was the only fire/water dragon ever to exist. If she wanted me dead nothing could stop it.

"You told him where I was. You told him I was still alive. He was going to sneak into my territory and kill me and Hunter. I should kill you where you stand but I feel merciful. I feel relief at the death of that bastard. Even you do not know what I'm capable of," she screamed at me. These were the first words she had said since being found. It hurt to have them directed at me.

Then I felt the bond twist and snap as instead of Hunter the true alpha was revealed. She was not a normal alpha at all and everyone gasped as she shifted into her dragon and roared. We had no choice but to bow to our queen. Even Hunter had no choice, she was too powerful to resist.

She roared and everyone shifted as commanded. I was awesome with the power my friend had and I was apologetic because I had put her and my alpha in danger. I was so apologetic that I was the first to speak.

"My queen, I am deeply sorry for all the wrongs I have done to you. How can I make it up to you my queen?"

She replied to me by saying, "You can make it up to me by following me without question. I am your queen and Hunter, if willing like, is your king. You will never betray us and do exactly as told, do you understand?"

We all nodded our heads and roared as one and bowed to our king and queen. This was a new way of life as power flooded around us as Hunter accepted the position of king. Then we set fire to Micah's body and either flew or swam depending on our dragon types.

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