Chapter 14

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Keith stared at the clouds outside of the plane window. Lance would be home by now... He thought. Stop thinking about him! He probably will never love you! Keith coughed up two flower petals. He sighed.

Once he got back home, he knew what he was going to do.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Nadia!" Lance greeted her with open arms as she flew into them for a hug.

"I missed you tio!" Nadia exclaimed, "Sylvio!"

A little boy came rushing towards him but tripped and fell, though he got up very quickly and continued running towards Lance.

"Tio Lance!" He screamed as he jumped into Lance's arms.

"Sylvio! Where's the rest of the family?" Lance asked his cousins.

"Only Veronica is here, the rest went out for some reason," Sylvio explained.

"Ver?" Lance called out to his older sister.

"Look who finally showed up," Veronica said as she appeared into view.

Lance smiled but then remembered Keith, and that wiped the smile off his face.

"Lance?" Veronica asked, "You're still worried about him, aren't you?"

Lance nodded, "He had to stay at the hospital for a few more days, so his flight got postponed. He should be on a plane already."

"That's good, but why are you worried?"

He sighed, "Something happened at the hospital."

Veronica walked closer to him, "Let's get your stuff into your room, and I'll make some tea, okay?"


Lance got his stuff with Sylvio and Nadia and carried it up the stairs to his room. He noticed once he walked in it was just as he left it. Nothing was moved, in fact, the only difference was that it was cleaner. Lance smiled then left his luggage next to the door inside the room.

Once he got downstairs, Veronica was already at the table with a mug full of tea and another one across from her.

"Sylvio, Nadia, why don't you go play upstairs?"

Nadia took Sylvio by the arm and pulled him up the stairs. Lance watched him go all the way up before sitting down across from Veronica.

"So what happened?" She asked.

Lance sighed and looked into his tea, "I went to visit him in the hospital, but he told me to leave him alone, and I don't know why."

"Maybe you should ask him what's up, if that doesn't work, you could just take a break?" Veronica suggested.

"Yeah, I think that's good," Lance said, taking a sip of his tea.

"But don't annoy him too much," Veronica warned, "He might leave you."

"That sounds like we're in a relationship."

"You're not?" Veronica winked as she got up, "Maybe you should be."

"Me? Keith? No way Ver," Lance said. Maybe........

"I dunno Lance," Veronica said from the kitchen, "Consider it."

"No. Way. Ver."

"Mmmmhmmmm..." Veronica said while walking away.

"I said No, Ver!" Lance yelled.




Lance got up and started chasing Veronica, "VER NO WAY NEVER!!"

"HAHA, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY!!" Veronica yelled while she was running.

Lance eventually got an empty paper towel roll and started chasing her with it, trying to wack her in the head with it. Veronica got tired after a while and jumped onto the couch and tried to protect her glasses as Lance mercilessly whacked her with the paper towel roll. He stopped shortly after and fell beside her. They just kinda laid there, staring at the ceiling. After a minute or so, they both burst out laughing.

Veronica wiped a tear from her eye after a minute of straight up laughter. 

"You know, he wouldn't be so bad," Veronica said to Lance.

"He might not be bad," Lance said, "but I just don't see him in that type of way."

"Maybe you should Lance," Veronica said, remembering that disease she read about a while ago, "Do you know what exactly happened?"

"Well, when I walked into the bathroom and saw him laying there, he was covered in blood and.........petals."

"Flower petals?"


Veronica knew what was going on, "Maybe you should really consider being with him. It might help the both of you guys out." She walked up the stairs leaving Lance by himself, pondering.

Yeah, maybe I should.

It was only evening when the family arrived. They all greeted Lance with open arms while saying so many Spanish words all at once.

"¡Le echamos de menos!"

"¡Usted ha vuelto!"

Lance hugged every family member while also greeting them. They all were ecstatic.

After what felt like hours greeting every family member, they all sat down and ate dinner, asking Lance every possible question there could be. 

"What was it like in Paris?"

"Did you have fun?"

"What was the food like?"

"Did you visit the Effiel tower?"

Lance answered all the questions that he could answer. Eventually, he stopped answering and started asking questions. It was a way to actually eat food.

"So, how was it here?" He said as he ate one of his favourite dishes, Paella.

"Well, not much happened," His mom replied, "Except Sylvio did make Veronica fall over when she was carrying coffee up the stairs. It took hours to get all of the coffee out of all the nooks and crannies." She chuckled.

Lance chuckled too, "I almost tripped over a pigeon in France."

That seemed to lighten the mood if that was even possible. Everyone was stoked that Lance was back. So stoked that everybody was sitting at the big table, and the kid table was un-used. 

Everybody had a great night. They ate till they were full, had a good conversation, and had so much fun that they all passed out once they reached their beds. Lance wasn't like that.

He wanted to check up on Keith, so he sent him a text.

Lance: How are you doing? Are you ok?

He waited for a reply, but never got one. He sighed and lay down. 

It didn't take long for him to fall into the realm of sleep.

Hey guys!

I'm posting this on my birthday, how fun!

I'm so excited for what's to come, you're gonna lose your shiz.

Also, I don't speak Spanish so I used a translator for the Spanish part. And I did research for the food that they were eating. If any of it isn't right, correct me!

Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it), Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!


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