chapter 1

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4 graves in a row with 3 full and 1 missing. Lina was 14 when she left her house to play with a friend. However, when she came back nothing was the same. When Lina arrived home, her family of 4 was shot down to 3 when she saw her family members dead in the living room of her house. Why did they die no one seems to know but whoever did it was never found.
Lina's Pov
"Mom I got straight A's again as I promised. Are you happy?" I asked the gray gravestone I sat in front of between two others. "How have things been with you guys? Are you having fun in heave without me?" I looked over the three stones. "Well, I'll look forward to it as well when I join you all someday. Don't look at me like that, I know what you all are thinking. Im fine, I am not thinking of dying right now. I don't intend to die until I find out who killed you guys at least. So, don't worry." I said hugging my knees close to my chest. "You know so many people consider me a freak now. Like how since I was 14 I'd rather be alone than socializing with people. I lost all my friend because they feel like I became weird." My phone alarm sounded to let me know that I have to go to work. "I have to go now, but I'll see you guys later. Good night." I kissed each grave before sling my backpack over my shoulder then left the cemetery.
I arrived at the dinner I worked at every day at this time. I put in my uniform and started to wait on tables like every day for the past year and a half. Im 17 now and got both of my jobs when I was allowed to. I walked over to a new table after picking up my tip from my last one. "Welcome, tonight's special is." "Lina, is that you?" I was interrupted by a rude classmate of mine. "Hi, Kathryn. What can I get you?" I asked wanting to leave the game as fast as possible. "Why rush off so quickly? Can't you take some time and talk to us?" She says referring to the other girls at the table that I didn't like either. "Sadly no. I have other tables as well. If you guys don't know what you want, I'll come back and take your orders. Would you like anything to drink for now?" "Water is good for now but hurry back." She says before I walk away. In the next few minutes, I had gotten out a few orders and brought them their water. Only a few tables next to them were some of my regular. "Lina, can we get the usual." The tall African American man asked when he does down with a Hispanic man. I wrote it down quickly before I headed back to the kitchen. When I walked in another waiter was on his way out. "Joseph, can you do me a favor?" I stopped him from going. "What?" "At table 8 there are some girls from my school who always pick on me. I really don't want to deal with them. Can you switch tables with me?" I asked he empathizes for me and agree. "What do I tell them when they ask why their server changed suddenly?" "Tell them I asked you to take over for me because I had too many tables waiting and I didn't want them to have to wait for servicer for so long." I gave them their order notes before I took his tray and headed back out. I took it to the table it needed to be while Joseph took care of Kathryn and her friends. My next order was to my regular's table so I went to get their food. While delivering the do, I stopped by another table and delivered another meal. On my way back I had a tall glass of fruit punch on my tray along with regular's order. I was walking over to their table with a smile when all of a sudden I was on the ground. Had I been the one covered in food and drinks it would have been done but no it landed on a customer." What are you trying to do huh?" The angry man for up shouting at me. I stood up quickly and began to apologize to him quickly. "Im so sorry sir. I don't know what happened." I tried to explain but while I'm talking I heard a quite laughing coming from the table behind me. Of course, they caused this. "I just tripped over my own two feet. Im so sorry." I continued to apologize. The commotion got everyone's attention and this made my manager come out pissed. "What happened here?" He asked me angrily. Just as I was about to explain the man did. "How can you put such a clutz to work out here. This girl tripped over her own two feet and spilled food all over me. She ruined my clothes, my food, and my mood!" The man yells at my boss angrily and he looks at me. "Lina, you have never been this clumsy before." He reminds me but I still didn't want to rat out the girls behind me because it would just make things worse for me. "Im sorry sir. I guess I am just too out of it today." I said taking the blame. "She's lying." The two looked over to see my regular customer. "What do you mean?" My boss asked him. "That girl was tripped by that girl in the orange shirt at the end of the table behind her. She lied to not get them in trouble." He says pointing to one of Kathryn's friends. Both men looked at her and could see the guilt in her eyes before Kathyrn tries to shift the blame. "It wasn't her fault. Had Lina been paying attention she would have known my friend'a foot was there and would have avoided it in time and not tripped so it's still Lina's fault." The men looked at me again. "No, the moment Lina was about to pass her her foot came out then went back in. Do you need us to check security tapes? Because if we do and they see the truth, you will be in more trouble that you will be now if you tell the truth. When Kathryn hear security tapes, she backed down. " fine, we just wanted to play a little prank on our pale and classmate Lina. We didn't think she completely fall and get in trouble. We just wanted to play with her a bit." Kathryn says. "Well, your playing almost cost this poor girl her job. Tell me if she was fired because of your little games, what would you do?" The costumes asked angrily for me. I didn't talk through the whole argument but infer all the girls looking at me as if I just exposed them myself. Great, this means I'll be waiting for an ambush when I get to school tomorrow. "You girls will apologize to this man and pay for the cleaning of his clothes. As well as apologies Lina for the trouble you have caused her." My manager says to the girls making they sigh in frustration. "Why do we have to?" Kathrynn's friend whined. "If you didn't want to deal with the consequences you shouldn't have started trouble." The man who was still covered in food says angrily. The girls get out their sears while all shooting me death glares. I swallowed the lump in my throat hard as they each took their turns apologizing to the man who had been covered with food due to their fooling around. When they each did it, they were allowed to go but not without giving me a non-verbal warning to be ready for tomorrow. When they left, I got back to work and finally deliver the food to my regulars. When I got to the table, they were happy to see the food. I am good with words but I am a really shy person so I didn't know how to say thank you too well. And when I do it sounds so awkward now. Thankfully they didn't say anything and ate their food deliciously. While working, I knew how to thank them. I paid their bill and wrote a thank you note on the recipe. I hid in the kitchen when they read it and let out a satisfied sigh when I saw them leave with a smile.
Author pov
A while later on the other side of town, the two regulars of Lina arrived at a mansion

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