Chapter 17

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Stephen fallowed Jasmin to her house anxiously waiting to see Lina. When they arrived at rather a small house in comparison to the Kang manner, he couldn't help his privileged side that sort of judged Jasmin and her family for their home. She opened the door and he saw the warm home that fit into the quote-unquote small space. He walked in and took his shoes off naturally but Jasmin didn't mind causes her family does the same some times. Looking around he didn't know what to say. "Your place is nice." "Thanks, um, I'll go get Lina" she knew he didn't want so to be rude but she also knew he was not the most impressed with her small house.


I sat in Jasmin's bedroom in a big red Box t-shirt and shorts, my hair was in a high bun and I was typing on my computer looking for jobs for after school. I heard someone coming up the stairs and based on the time I know it was Jasmin. When she opened the door, I looked up and smiled. "Hi." "Hey, how's it going?" she asked putting her bag down and taking a seat at her computer desk. "kind of dead, just looking for jobs and apartments. you?" "decent, but there is someone downstairs for you." "Looking for me? No one knows I'm here." "Well, he found you." She says with a sigh. "What should I do?" "I don't know, talk to him I guess, he won't leave otherwise." I grew stress instantly. "Well, what do I say. If I tell him I'm moving out, he's going to be pissed. But if I tell him why he's going to be more pissed." I got up and started pacing back and forth. "Dude just talk to him. Explain to him why you're are doing this and make him understand it. If you really don't want to go with him. He will understand. He cares about you too much to force you to do something you don't want to." I took a deep breath and held it while I nodded my head for a few seconds. Blowing the air out, I turned and looked in the mirror. I didn't want to go out looking crazy. With that, I took my hair down, tucked my shirt into my shorts, and walked out of the door.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and when I turned my head I see Lina emerging from hiding. She reached the bottom and I noticed Jasmin didn't follow her so I guess this is just our talk. "Hi." She says with a tone I could tell was slightly worried but awkward. I know she knows I would never hurt her so I just sighed and held out my hand for her. She took her time walking over and taking it. I pulled her around the couch and into a hug of relief from seeing her. She hugged me back,  which is a good sign before we sat down. "Are you okay? Why did you leave tested without telling anyone?" "I didn't want to stress you guys out. Paris had just had the baby so I knew tension and anxiety would be high so I just left to give you guys a day to settle. I didn't expect you guys to realize so soon." I moved hair out of her face. "Well, I guess I rather you be here last night than in the manner alone." "Why, I stay in the manner by myself all the time." "I know but someone found our location last night. Broke into the house and trashed the place. When we came back this morning, I was worried they had gotten you." She covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "Oh my God, is everyone okay?" She started to feel my upper body to test if I had pain. I chuckled at the instincts she has come to develop. "I'm fine, thankfully none of us were there when they came and you had left an hour or so before, it was perfect timing thankfully." I grabbed her hand gently. She nodded her head in understanding. "How are Paris and James?" "They are doing fine, they should come home soon." She nodded again but I could tell something was nothing her. "What's wrong?" "Nothing" I rolled my eyes because I knew her better. "Don't give me that, tell me what's the matter?" I could see the hesitation she was facing. She closed her eyes tried to calm down. "I'm moving out." "Huh? What are you talking about?" She kept her eyes close? "I-i just think its better for all of us if I start depending on myself now. You guys have done so much for me and I promise I will pay you back in time but, I think it time I head on out." I sighed because I knew this wasn't what she wanted but I needed to hear her reasoning. I put my arm around and pulled her close to me before making both of us lean back. "What are you doing?" "I will hear you out and if you can convince me that you really want to leave ill let you." "What?" She says surprised. "Lina, I know you better than you probably know yourself. If your reason as to why you are leaving matches what would really make you want to leave, I will let you but if not, you're getting in my car and we are going home." She sighed and sat up to face me. "It's time I got myself together, You and your father took me in. You fed me, you dressed me and I am really grateful but I need to stop relying on you because one day you guys won't be there when I fall to catch me. I need to learn to get off my ass and walk it off."

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