Chapter 16

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The meeting had finished a little while after Lina took Paris away and I felt much better. Now I waited for them to come back. When the door opened and Lina walked in carrying a bunch of bags I wanted to help her but I noticed Paris was not behind her. She didn't even seem to notice me as she walked through the house dazed. Heading up to James's soon to be room, she put the bags down and started to unpack them. I watched her by the door worried and she still seemed to be out of it. Walking up behind her I put my hands on her shoulders and that made her flinch. "good thing its just me, if someone where to brake in on you in this state, you could have gotten hurt." she nodded but didn't say anything. " wheres Paris?" "hopefully at home." she says with a sigh as she folded a pair of baby pants. "hopefully? what do you mean hopefully?" "she refused to come back with me so she got on the bus and left me at the mall." I grew upset quickly but I wasn't going to take it out on Lina. "Why didn't she want to ride with you?" "I'm gonna assume because of what she told me." "What did she tell you?" she turned around and looked me in the eye with dead seriousness. "Stephen, am I the reason you and Paris's relationship the way it is right now?" "is that what she told you?" Lina nodded her head with desperate eyes for an answer. " That's not true, don't listen to her. no one can mess up the relationship between two people but the people in the relationship. The problems she and I have are between her and myself because of her and I. No one else, don't let her tell you otherwise."  "but she said that she knows that the baby is the only thing keeping you together, everyone can see that but still. I feel bad like I had something to do with it." 


he pulled me into a hug. "you didn't, I promise. Knowing that she knows what is really going on with us is a relief. I have been finding it hard to tell her the truth but then the whole thing at the beach made it a million times worse." "then what will you do now?" I asked and he sighed. "well, since she knows what is going on, its best I talk to her later about us and figure that out later but don't worry about her. okay?" I nodded but still felt bad because now the end of their relationship as a couple is coming to an end. But when I looked at Stephen, he didn't look as sad as he normally would have acted. " don't you feel a little bad about this?" he chuckled and sighed. "well like we said, the only reason I have been holding onto Paris is for James but honestly. I have been feeling for someone else for a while now and once Paris and I are officially over, I think it will be the right time to tell her how I feel." it was good he was moving on so quickly but I felt sad hearing he liked someone else already. I like Stephen more than I should. It took me time to notice it but I'm not dumb and I can read my own feels. but he has a girlfriend and once they are over, he will be going after a new girl. "well, I hope that goes well for you. I'm gonna go to bed, it's been a tiring evening." he nodded his head and let me go rest.


I smiled when I noticed the hit of disappointment Lina had when I told her I liked someone else. When Paris and I are done, Lina will be my girlfriend. I never expected this when she first came but she broke me and I fell hard. I want to do everything and be there for her. She is my future that no one and nothing will take away from me.

a few days passed and they were calm in the Kang manner because Paris was now in the hospital to be watched. she had been having a lot of false alarms and the doctors were tired of her being overdramatic when she had her parents busted into the emergency room. Stephen had just arrived holding food for Paris because she wanted something to eat. He had been holding off talking to her about them because she was going to have the baby any day now and he didn't want her to be stressed out. Arriving at the hospital, he brought her the food that she ate happily while talking to him. Once he left, Paris went to sleep and Stephen had gone to prepare for a mission. He waited at the bottom of the staircase for the line because she was going to come with him and the guys. As she skilled her way downstairs, Stephen watched her with a smile. "Ready?" He took her hand naturally. "Yup, let's go." They started to leave the house but once they got to the front door, Stephen's phone rang. "Hello?" "Stephen, it's me. I need you to come to the hospital right now, Paris just went I to labor." Her mother says in a hurry. "What? Now!" He started to panic. "Oppa, what's wrong?" "Paris just went into labor. But we have a huge mission with loves at stack. " he days pacing back and forward. "Okay Oppa, calm down. How about you guys go on the mission and I go to the hospital. First-time labor and births take a while. I can go and keep you all posted in Paris." He nodded anxiously. "But what if the baby comes before I can get there?" "I just told you, first-time labors can take hours, you have time but I'll go to watch after her." She says taking a step back. She was going to go and prepare things for the newborn. "How do you even know that?" "Well, with a new baby coming, I wanted to make sure I was ready to help in any way I could as a family should. I did some research on the birth process and such when I had time. It's normal for you to be anxious but everything will be just fine. Now go, you have a job to do." She says pushing him out of the door. He nodded but pulled her I to a tight hug and kissed the side of her head. "Thank you, I have no idea what I would do without you." He says I to her hair. "You would probably die." She joked and he laughed cause she right by now. "You know I love you right?" "I love you too oppa." It seemed those words created a shift in the atmosphere around the two. "No Lina, I really, really love you." He says to clarify he didn't mean just like a family but more. She didn't respond but he began to lean forward. She didn't stop him and as his lips got closer to her own, her eyes closed gently. In her head, she counted how many seconds until they would be kissing but they were interrupted by the boys in the car who were waiting and oblivious to what was going on. When the loud honk of the car horn sounded, the two jumped back from each other. The situation instantly became awkward as they made eye contact with each other. "You should go, be careful okay?" "Yeah, please take care of Paris. I'll be there once the mission finishes." She nodded and watched them leave before hurting to get stuff ready for the baby.
Rushing to the hospital, Lina brought everything they would need. As she entered the room where Paris was in labor and having contractions but they were not strong enough yet. Paris and her parents were upset. "Where is Stephen, why are you here?" "Stephen is on a mission right now and it's very important. He sent me here to help take care of you and keep him updated until he gets here." They all understood but Paris still didn't like it  it's been about two hours when Stephen and the guys finally arrived. Rushed in, they found the room and saw Lina taking care of Paris. Massaging Paris's legs because they were swollen, in a didn't even notice they had arrived. "Lina?" She turned and saw they had all returned safely. Getting up, she rinsed her hands and greeted them with hugs and kisses on the cheek. "Are you all okay?" One by one they gave her highs but Stephen held her longer than the others despite being in the same room as Paris and her parents. "We're fine. Thank you for taking care of her." Stephen says assuring Lina. They waited a while longer and finally it was time. Everyone rushed to get ready for the baby. Lina and the guys minus Stephen stepped out during the delivery. It took a little bit but finally, the baby was born. Eventually, the baby was taken to the incubation room. Lina knew Paris wouldn't really want to see her so she thought it would be best if she watched from afar for a while. Silently, she watched little baby James sleep in his incubation chamber. With a sigh, she stayed quiet. At that moment someone joined her as she watched. "Isn't he beautiful?" It was the voice of Paris's mother Patricia. "He looks like his mother." She nodded her head as they both looked at James. "So Lina, what's your plan?" "Pardon me?" Lina asked confused. "I'm mean for your life. You don't expect to stay in the Kang Manner forever do you?" Patricia says with a chuckle. Lina smiled weakly. "Well no, but I have focused much on leaving at the moment." " I see, we'll don't you think the manner will be a bit I don't know crowded with James and Paris, and all the people who are there in general?" Patricia says. "I personally prefer to be surrounded by a lot of people." "You do? How do you get any privacy with people running around? I already feel bad for Paris. Once she marries Stephen, they will have very little privacy." She sighed crossing her arms. "Well, it's a big house, when privacy is needed it tends to be given so there is nothing to worry about there." Lina says uncomfortably. "But still, you can't stay there forever. I know you are a very close friend of the Kang's but eventually, you will have to grow up." "Ma'am, I understand you are trying to be nice but I think it would be best if you just told me clearly why you want me to leave." She sighed. "You are indeed a clever girl. But that doesn't make what I tell you any less genuine or real. You being in Kang Manner can not happen." "Ma'am, the Kang's and their family is my family. And I mean no offense with my words but I will leave when it's time for me to go and the only person who can say that Dominic Kang's, Stephen Kang, or myself." Lina says sternly. "And when Paris marries into the Kang's Family she will have a say and if she doesn't want you there, they will have to do as she says." "Is the whole marriage things thing like religious for you all? How do you even know if they want to marry each other? Why are you pressuring them to get married? Also, I don't care if Paris moves into Kang's manner. Her life is hers and my life it mines so they don't mix anyway." Lina sighed and left the area very annoyed.

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