No Love, No Trust

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"So Jr pulls a gun out on him! Which totally shocked the hell outta me." Miracle vented but I was totally zoned out.

"Ma are you listening?" She stopped and turned towards me.

"No. I'm honestly not." I sighed and picked up a toy makeup kit that looked cute for Kimora.

Miracle and I were doing last minute Christmas shopping and my mind was in another dimension.

"What's wrong?"

"Me and your dad are having a very hard time right now." I kept it honest and straight forward.

"There you guys are." Morgan said coming up behind us. I had invited her to come shopping with us.

"You good Mo? You look sleep deprived." Morgan asked.

"No I'm not good. But I will be." I gave them a reassuring smile and went on the other toy aisle.

"Her and dad are having problems." Miracle informed her while following me.

"He's keeping stuff from me. I feel it in my gut."

Morgan twisted her lip to the side. Her body language completely changed. She was now uneasy and antsy.

"Morg?" I looked at her.

"Hmm?" She hummed pretending to be interested in a toy.

I put both of my hands on her shoulder. "Please if you know something. Please I'm begging you tell me. I-I'm losing hope."

She opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but shut it quickly. "I don't know anything Mo, I'm sorry."

I sighed and shut my eyes for a minute.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom. I'll be back." She said walking towards the bathroom located at the back of the store.

After Morgan got out of sigh Miracle turned to me. "You know she's lying right?"

"Yea I know."

If I wanted to get answers I was gonna have to do more than just ask King. I was gonna hit em where it hurts.
It was Christmas Eve and everyone was at the house preparing for Christmas tomorrow.

Kimora was running around getting into any and everything. King and Jr were sitting on the couch watching football while Me and Morgan were in the kitchen slaving over the food. Miracle was adding ornaments to the huge Christmas tree that sat in the middle of the living room.

"King can you please get Kimora dressed." I asked him nicely sticking the pie in the oven.

"For what?" He asked taking a sip of his beer.

"We are all going to visit Nick. The prison is having a special Christmas program for them." I informed.

"I'm not going to that shit and you know this." King said with his eyes still glued to the Tv.

I sighed. "Can you please put everything aside and see him for goodness sake. It's Christmas."


I slapped the oven mitts down and marched in front of him. "Everyone is going. I don't want to hear shit about it King!" I fussed.

He stood up quickly and got in my face.

"Come on Kimora. Let's get you ready." Miracle put down the decorations and scooped Kimora up before things got ugly.

"I'm getting real tired of you Monica. I'm a grown ass man I can make decisions on my own. I don't have shit to say to Nick."

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