11 | change of heart

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Ponyboy's already standing outside the classroom by the time Billie makes her way down from homeroom. His head is down, his ratty backpack hanging off his thin shoulders as his shoulders are tucked inwards, as though he's trying to make himself look smaller than he is. It's a stark contrast to the other members of his gang - especially his brothers - as Darry is broad-shouldered and uses it to his advantage along with his ice-cold eyes to intimidate and keep people away. Sodapop wasn't broad-shouldered or bulky, but his confidence and carefree nature are what makes him known, along with dreamy brown eyes.

Billie leans up against the wall of the classroom, keeping a healthy distance from Ponyboy. Friday night was the first time she's ever had a proper conversation with him, and she doesn't think that they're friends now. She doesn't even know if Ponyboy even likes her.

As Ponyboy gives Billie a halfhearted and watery smile, Billie tries to not frown at his red-rimmed eyes.

More Soc students reach the classroom, standing away from Ponyboy and Billie as they chatter amongst each other, raving on about the latest movies, fashion trends and what they got up to over the weekend.

The careful distance placed between her and Socs makes Billie feel even more like an outsider. Although she would prefer that than being shouldered or shoved, she was still purposely set apart from everybody else, just because of the clothes she wears and the area she lives in.

Bitterness and resentment set fire to her veins. She hates the Socs and she hates Tulsa. Billie would love nothing more than to pack up and leave Tulsa without looking back, to start afresh in a new place where Socs and Greasers do not exist. But that will never happen; not with her limited amount of money Tim makes and the monthly allowances their father sends over that allows them to barely scrape by each month.

A shoulder digs into Billie's back, jerking her forward as she clamps down on her mouth to suppress her discomfort. The Soc who pushed her doesn't even bother to apologise, brushing past Billie into the classroom as though she isn't there.

Mr Symes is writing on the chalkboard as Billie slips into her seat, trying to ignore the way the Soc girl beside her stiffens. 

Mr Symes turns to the class once he has finished writing up a series of questions underneath the heading of 'FAMILY'. He greets the class with a kind smile on his weathered face and is greeted with an unenthusiastic response by the class. 

Mr Symes is not fazed by the lack of enthusiasm from his students as he begins to explain the lesson. "Without having to ask, I know most of you haven't caught up on the reading, so I've decided to give you some extra time. Today we'll be answering some questions on family - in particular, each of your own families. You have the lesson to complete the questions and they will be handed up to me at the end of the lesson. If you have finished before the lesson ends, you can continue reading Robinson Crusoe." Mr Symes places two sheets on the desk and the Soc girl snatches her sheet off the desk not even a second after Mr Symes leaves. 

Billie grabs her sheet and begins to write down the questions on the chalkboard, trying to block out the hurt she feels. She hates being reminded of the fact that she's different. She already knows that she's different, Billie does not need it branded on her forehead for everybody to see. 

Swallowing down the lump in her throat, Billie reads the first question and begins to complete the work. 

The first few questions were simple; asking how many siblings you had, what were their names, how old were they, were they a boy or girl. 

The fifth question catches Billie off-guard; how close are you with your siblings? 

Deep down inside, Billie knows the answer. But it's a matter of truly being honest to herself or ignoring the fact that she isn't as close to her siblings as they are with each other. 

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