16: Plagg's Secret

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"It is a story set in France, many years ago from today. Sometime after the revolution, if I'm not wrong. It's a story about a boy and a girl, who were entrusted with the cat and the ladybug miraculous, much like you. They were given one mission as well, to use it for the greater good and fight the evil that is prevailing. But, unlike you, who grew with the powers and became much more happier, it's a story of how it ruined their lives and everything came crashing down.

The city of Love was surrounded by grasslands and forests. The wide, beautiful fields were home to many countrymen and nobles who were too stuck up to live in the centre of a bustling, noisy city of Paris. A young woman of about 20, Bridgette, lived there too. Bridgette LeBleue. She belonged to a wealthy noble family but she was very often mistreated and frowned upon, even in her own house, because she was illegitimate.

One day, she finally have had enough before running away with her best friend, to the city her family deeply frowned upon. But before leaving, she displayed one more act of utter kindness and compassion in that dreaded household which compelled Master Zing to entrust the Ladybug miraculous with her.

Both the women escaped and swore to start anew, away from the dark shadows of that doomed family. Despite having lived a fairly luxurious life since the beginning, both the girls worked very hard to earn a living and survive. And Bridgette enjoyed it too, because for the first time she was in command of her own destiny.

Occasionally, she would sneak out as Ladybug at nightfall but no supernatural threat as such was observed, other than a few minor crimes here and there. So, Tikki became a key to her freedom and her best friend. And soon, the spotted heroine was joined in by a black cat.

Felix, the boy I was entrusted with, was a far more complicated human that I've ever met. He had severe mood swings and split personalities. Not the disorder type, but the ones that fuelled his own reasons and logics, that may or may not be true.

Despite that, Master entrusted him with a miraculous.

He believed that it would do him good, open him up and give him a chance to see how the world truly is, so that he can grow above the delusions he believed were true and learn to embrace life and people more freely.

And also because he had a heart filled with kindness and care.

Just like you, Adrien, Felix wasn't allowed to go out in the city by his strict father. He was the son of the former royal librarian, and the fall of the monarch turned things in their favour.

Felix wasn't particularly fond of the fortune that his family possessed as it robbed him of an opportunity to form real relationships with people, one which didn't involve gold diggers and their diabolical plans. He was afraid that people would always only care for his fortune, never truly sparing him a second thought.

And honestly, it was understandable with his messed up past.

Though forbidden, Felix would often sneak out with his best friend Nash and roam around in the city. They would both visit various shops together and for that short while, Felix could be that normal person that he so desired to be, unbothered by the problems of his personal life. But, as soon as that hour was over, he would revert back to being Felix Bronn, the cold and rude heir, who never trusted another.

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