24: Le Paon

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"Look out Chat!" Ladybug yelled, while she tried to get out from under the debris.

'Not good. I'm completely stuck here while he has so recklessly engaged that monster into a one-on-one fight. I. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here."

With one final forceful push, Ladybug finally freed herself from the debris, and got up slowly, wincing in pain due to her wounded legs and side.

Chat was fighting the monster on his own, ducking and attacking as swift as the wind. He was struggling, but he was wasn't giving up.

"Ladybug!" He shouted. "Find Mrs LeBleue. I'm positive it's her!"

Ladybug nodded, and jumped away from the fighting. She winced with every movement that she made, for most of her body was crushed by the debris a while back.

'No Marinette. Don't give up. He is there fighting so that you can do this. Don't let him down.'

Sure enough, sometime later, she found Mrs LeBleue totally immobilised on a park bench. To any passerby, she would've looked like a person who was perhaps meditating, but Ladybug knew better.

She jumped down to the ground, losing a bit of balance, before regaining it.

"Mrs LeBleue"

The said woman opened her eyes, which were dull and lifeless. Staring into them felt like staring into the depths of a never ending hole.

"This might hurt a bit."


It was getting difficult to keep up with the monster. It was extremely powerful.

'Damn, I must've really pushed her buttons.'

It seemed like more the negative emotion a person harboured, the stronger was the creature created from it. And in this case, it was a lot of spite.

"Agh" Chat groaned after being slammed into a wall. Despite his various injuries, he still got up, in a fighting stance, simply not ready to give up.

Seeing this, the creature just roared louder, lunging forward.

Too weak to even move this time, Chat just closed his eyes, readying himself for the painful impact. But that never came.

Opening his eyes, he was met with nothing more but a bright light, which had engulfed the creature. And just like that , before his eyes, it withered away into nothingness, like it wasn't even there in the first place.

Magical ladybugs fixed the city and this elevated his heart. Not wasting even a split second, he began the search for his lady.

Soon enough, he found her propped against a roof's chimney. Her breathing was troubled and heavy and her eyes were half closed.


She opened her eyes weakly, a small smile playing at her lips. And in that exact moment, her transformation came undone.

The Fallen Ladybug |MLB|Where stories live. Discover now