39 | A r t i s t

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"i may not have truly expertise abilities in arts
and maybe my fingers don't draw stuff that well
my colour combination may not satisfy you, sir,
and sometimes, i end up making a murderous hell
i don't own the paint brushes to make masterpieces
but, trust me, you should know me more than my shell
though i mess up shadings and make watercolours a mayhem
my artworks are growing and they have stories to tell
just recognise the mistakes as what reality exactly is
i won't be the one you want me to be - i am a rebel
whether my sketches are pretty or not, i am an artist
with imaginations big enough to make your pride swell."

said the artist to her drawing teacher in a single breath
as the teacher stared at her, feeling her words' depth
and replied:

"you're the best artist i have ever developed
who realised that artists are not just those
with paints as shields and brushes as weapons,
but those who appreciate beauty in all forms,
that's today's lesson..."

- SweetSimu.

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