Chapter 3

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"Hey let him go!" said a girl as she glared at the man in the cat costume.

"Ara ara~ what do we have here? Bunch of punks huh?" said a deep voice behind the blonde-haired girl.

Everyone looked towards the voice and found a tall smirking brunette with loose grey kimono while a hand was lazily placed on his katana's sheath.

A samurai?! they thought.

"W-Who are you?" said Kankuro.

"Hm~ wouldn't you like to know." the brunette looked at the tree where a certain someone was hiding. "Redhead you might want to come out of there before I slice the tree in half and you along with it." he smiled sweetly.

Everyone shivered at his expression and tone.

"Kankuro you're a disgrace to our village." said the redhead as he appeared next to his brother.

"G-Gaara! I didn't mean to-" said Kankuro nervously.

Gaara glared at him. "Shut up, or I'll kill you."

"Hm, I'm itching to kill something how about I'll start with you first redhead." said the samurai as he released a little of his killer intent.

Everyone gulped at the killer intent.

"It hasn't been a minute since you got into the village and you're already causing trouble Shin." said a deep silky voice.

The blonde punched the brunette in the head. Shinsuke glared at the smirking blonde."Ow! Why'd you do that for?!"

Kenshin looked at the sound siblings with an icy glare. "If you hurt my otouto I'll kill you myself understand?"

The sand siblings flinched at the icy look of the blonde and nodded quickly before leaving.

"A-Aniki?" said Naruto nervously.

" careful of the redhead. He's dangerous."

"Hai/Hn." said Sasuke and Naruto.

"Let's go Shin." said Kenshin as he started walking away.

"Hai hai, tou-san," Shinsuke smirked as he followed Kenshin.

Wind passed team seven dramatically as the three stood there like statues.





"EHHHHHH/NANIIII?!?!" team seven shouted in disbelief.

"how.. what... is he...what?!" Sakura stuttered at the revelation.

"Tou-san? Him?! There's no way!" Naruto stood like a statue with disbelief.

"How the hell is he his son!? He's too young to be a father!" said Sasuke with a stupified expression.






Hokage's Office

Hiruzen looked at the blonde and then at the smirking brunette standing next to him. "So who is he?"

"He's my son Shinsuke." said Kenshin.

"Yo!" said Shinsuke.

"Oh, I see your son nice to meet you...wait...SON?!" the Hokage's pipe fell down to to the floor as he looked at the two with a shocked expression before fainting.

The two smirked at the Hokage's actions.

30 minutes later...

Hiruzen slowly sat up and sat in his chair. "I had this weird dream where Kenshin had a son I swear I'm getting old."

"It wasn't a dream Hokage-sama." said Kenshin with an amused expression.

Hiruzen looked at him and rubbed his temples in frustration. "I need a drink. Why is he here?"

"He's here to help me with the Chunin Exams."

The Hokage nodded dumbly.

"Well, we'll be taking our leave Hokage-sama."

When Kenshin and Shinsuke left the room, the Hokage sighed. "Boar!"

An Anbu with a boar-shaped mask appeared in front of the Hokage."Hai, Hokage-sama?"

"Get me some strong sake please."

"Hai!" said Boar before disappearing.

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