(4) {School}

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Ps: This isn't real, all of my stories are fiction(s),k?

"Ups, sorry! I didn't see you"
"Apasih, jan sok inggris deh lu!" Yeap, one of my friends, well actually idk if he's my friend, said that this morning. I didn't know why the fuck he said that. Cuz, i didn't see him and he's like u know? Try'na be cool in front of my friends. Well actually, he's not cool at all. Huh, my first day, my worst day. "Hi". Woops there's a little girl there. "Too". Yeah, it's me who said "too". And, guess what? "Apaan dah, lu sok inggris deh". That's what i've got from that lil girl. Hate that. I think, there's nobody who think that i'm not "sok inggris". I don't know their language. Beside, i'm trying to understand them. Cuz, i hate them and i wanna like say something bad to them! Hey, what about "EVERY GIRLS WHO SAID "gausah sok inggris deh lu" WILL DIE, BUT EVERY BOYS SAID THAT WILL CUT THEIR "THINGS".
Whopsie, i said that.
That's why, every girl who said that yesterday died and every boys come without their "things"?
Oh! I forgot! I'm a witch!! Everythings i said will become true. Beside, my english isn't bad right? Yah, sepertinya parah sekali, karena mereka saja sampai bilang aku sok inggris kemarin. Ah, Sepertinya aku harus pindah sekolah lagi nih! Mencari mangsa baru. Hei! Hati hati! Mungkin saja sekolah mu yang akan kudatangi! Don't say bad words to me okay? Or u know what'll happen next.

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My Head Is A Very Dark Place {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang