Chapter 18

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It's been 3 weeks since I moved in with Ram. Things have been going alright for the most part. I try to do what he says, when he says to keep him happy. So far he hasn't put his hands on me. He does lose his temper often but I can handle that.
I let him know that I am working for my cousin, which he isn't too happy about but he knows not to cross him. I keep half of the money Gutta gives me in a separate account that he doesn't know about just in case. The rest goes into his account which he gave me a card to.
The kids have adjusted to living here but I don't know if I have yet. It's still uncomfortable for me and I don't know why. I guess I just miss being with my bestfriend. I see her about twice a week but we talk everyday. She's been telling me about this girl our friend Stacey hooked her up with. She's says they have went out a couple times. I honestly don't know how to feel about it..
I'm on my way to pick up my money from Gutta. He called a little bit ago and told me to come through. So far there has been no problems with the new job but he makes me stay strapped just in case.
I pull up to his crib and park in the back. I text him that I'm outside and he says "come in."
I get out and leave my gun in the center console. I see the door open and Trey, one of his top guys walks me in. He has a big ass 2 story house that's fenced in with 3 huge pit bulls in the back in a separate fenced in area.
Trey takes me into Shawn's office and then he closes the door behind him, sits down in the corner, and starts to roll up.
" Cuz!", Shawn says getting up and coming to hug me.
" Wassup?"
" Not shit. We in here chillin' today. 'Bout to take some shots and smoke. You down?"
" Shit, you know I gotta get home to my babies."
" Just stay for a little while. Have a couple shots smoke some bud and chill. You been seeming on edge lately. Maybe you just need a sesh.", he says handing me a rolled stack of hundreds.
I put it in my bra.
" Thanks. Let me make sure it's okay with Ram."
" That nigga aint yo daddy. Why you always gotta ask his permission to do some shit?"
" That is daddy. If papi says I can't stay, I can't stay."
" Yeah okay.. You scared of that nigga or sum?"
" Nah it's not like that. I just like to keep him happy."
" Mhm. Don't forget what I said. If he ever becomes a problem, just let me know and I'll handle it."
" He won't be a problem. It's all good cuz."
" Alright. Make ya lil phone call. I'm a pop the cap on this bottle of Hen and get started without you.", he says smiling and rubbing his hands together.
I step out in the hall to call Ram.
" Hey babe."
" Hey Papi."
" I was just calling to let you know, I'm with Gutta. He asked me to stay and chill with him for a lil bit while we discuss some business. Is it alright if I stay for a lil while?"
" I want you home by 9. Don't be doing no stupid shit."
" Okay. Thanks. Love you."
" Love you too."
We hang up and I go back in the office. Trey passes me the blunt and hit it. Shawn pours all 3 of us a shot and we take them. For the first time in a while I don't worry about my phone and watching for a call or text from Ram. I just relax.
4 blunts and 6 shots later and I'm slump on the coach scrolling on my phone, trying to text Frankie. Gutta is in his chair slump bobbing his head to the music playing and Trey is sitting in a chair across from me sleep with a black and mild in his mouth.
I text Frankie," Im fuckrd ip"
" Huh lol"
" *fucked Up"
" Lord girl. Where you at?"
" Gutta huse"
" Gutta's house?"
" mhm"
" you need me to come get you?"
" Yea. CAn J comE 2? NeEd yhe car"
" He's not here but we can go get it first thing in the AM. Want to stay with me tonight?"
" Yea but RaM wants me hme. Whay timw is it?"
" 8:35 lol girl are you drunk AND high??"
" yes.."
" Lord. I'm omw. Stay put."
" otay"
"Gutta. Frankie bout to come get me. I'm a leave my car til tomorrow.", I say slurring my words a little and trying to sit up straight.
" Iight cuz. Want to smoke one more while we wait?"
" Shiiit we can. You rollin'."
" Bet. I guess that nigga out.", he chuckles.
I laugh and sway over to get a water out his mini fridge in the corner.
I sit back down and check my phone. I have 3 texts from Ram and a missed call.
Oh shit. He's gonna kill me.
I open his messages.
8:20: " Are you on your way?"
8:25: " Hellooo??"
Another text comes through.
Shit I'm in trouble. I'm too fucked up for this shit right now.
I put my hand on my head and Gutta passes me the blunt.
" You good?", he asks.
" Yeah. I'm good but my head spinnin' like a motherfucka."
" Here this last blunt should even you out."
We smoke half of it and Frankie texts me that she's in the back.
" Frankie's outside."
" Alright. Take the rest of that with you and here's a sack for yall to split.", he says handing me a jar with a ounce in it.
" Thanks cuz. "
" No prob. Let me walk you out."
He walks me to Frankie's car and talks to her for a quick second.
" Y'all be careful. I'll get up with y'all."
" No doubt." Frankie says as we pull off.

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