Chapter 24

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The next day, I wake up in Frankie's arms and once again I feel safe. It's such a peaceful feeling and I haven't felt this way in a long time. This has to be what real love feels like.
I reach for my phone slowly and grab it off the night stand. I'm careful not to wake Frankie. The time reads 8:15AM.
Wow, no missed calls or texts. Oh yeah, Frankie blocked his ass..
I'm so used to seeing Ram's name on my phone, it's kind of weird not seeing it, but the day just started so I hope it stays this way. I just want to be at peace.
Frankie's phone starts ringing and I grab it before she wakes up fully. The name says Kay Kay😘🖤. I hesitate before answering.
   " Hello?"
   " Um hi? Who's this?"
   " Frankie's bestfriend, who's this?"
   " Kayla.."
   " Oh hey.. Frankie is still sleep."
   " Okay. Can you tell her to call me when she wakes up?"
   " Yeah..", I say before hanging up.
Frankie starts to move and bat her eyes.
" Good morning sleepy head."
" Morning.", she responds getting one last big stretch in.
" Your lil girlfriend called. She said call her back."
" She's not my girlfriend.. yet anyways.", she says with a smirk on her face.
" Yeah okay.", I say as I start going through my phone.
I feel her looking at me but I keep my eyes glued to my phone.
" You alright?"
" Yeah, I guess."
   " Nope. Talk to me. Why you got a attitude?"
   " Just in pain. I gotta take my meds.."
   " Okay.. that's not all but I'm going to grab your meds, I'll be back."
   She gets up and leaves out the rooms. I get up slowly and make my way to the bathroom. I almost drop to the floor midway because of the pain but I make with tears dropping and all. I wash and examine my face, my eye and my lip looks a whole lot better but my eye is still a little swollen and there is a black mark from where I hit the table.
Frankie comes back in the room and walks into the bathroom.
" Why didn't you wait til I got back? I would've helped you."
" You don't have to take care of me. I'll be alright."
" You know I don't mind. I want to help you. You would do the same for me."
   " Thanks, but I gotta be able to take care of myself, 'cause I don't want you stopping what you got goin' on 'cause I'm here."
   " It's fine, I can handle my business and still be here for you so I don't wanna hear it. Is this because Kayla called?.."
   I start to walk back to the bed and she grabs my arm to help me.
   " No, I just don't wanna be a burden. It's my fault this happened to me in the first place.."
  " Stop.. Stop blaming yourself. He put his hands on you 'cause he's fucked up in the head and he's a lil bitch! You deserve so much better than that."
   She helps me get situated on the bed and hands me my medication. I take the pills without another word. Frankie turns on the TV and hands me the remote.
   " I'll be back okay. I'm going to get the kids situated and then me and Jay have to run out for a lil bit to take care of some things."
   I nod and her phone goes off. I pick it up off the bed and hand it to her.
   " Hey baby.", she says as she goes out the door and leaves it cracked.
I ain't gone lie, it hurt.. But I can't be mad because for one, I'm not even gay, I don't think. Shit I don't know.. Secondly, I left to go be with Ram. I knew she had feelings for me.. I knew that I might have feelings for her too, but my dumbass still left.
She's better off with her anyways.. I want her to be happy. Now we can put the feelings aside and we can go back to being just best friends with no benefits. Damn, I'm definitely gonna miss the sex but at least I don't have to worry about her feeling some type of way if I start fuckin' with somebody else..

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