Problems with trust

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Jade's Pov
I look up from my phone and I look at Cam sitting across the table from me. He says. "What?" I shake my head and say. "Nothing fool." He looks at me. "Why you always got to get smart with a nigga?" I roll my eyes. "Last I checked this my mouth." A girl walks by the table and Cam watches her. I get up and walk out the restaurant. Cam follows behind me and grabs my arm. "Why you doing all that?" I snatch away from him. "You so fucking trifling bruh." He says. "Man what tf you talking about?" I say before walking to my car and getting inside. "Nigga you know what I'm talking about." I drive off and go home. Cam calls me but I don't answer. I pull up in my driveway a few minutes later and I get out and walk inside. I walk upstairs in my room and I lay across the bed. My phone dings and I see I got a text from Cam
Cam😑🅿️: bruh why tf you leave me
I leave him on read and I get up and walk in the bathroom and I hear someone knocking on the door downstairs. I roll my eyes and I walk downstairs and open the door. Cam walks in and says. "Don't be doing that shit bruh fr." I look at him. "Yo girl could've took you home,why you come over here?" He walks further in the house and I walk off. He follows behind me and grabs my hand. "I wasn't even watching that damn girl." I turn around and look at him. "Nigga you was,you must know her or something." His phone rings and I snatch his phone out his hand and run in the bathroom and close the door and lock it. I unlock his phone and I go through it. I see pictures of him with another girl. I walk out the bathroom and throw him his phone. "You got money now you want these other hoes." He looks at me. "Man why tf you throw my shit and what you talking about?" I walk up to him and I mug his head. "Nigga get tf out my house." He shakes his head and walks out the room. I get my phone and call Mia and wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
Me: where you at
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: at home why what's up
Me: I need to go out
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: is this about Cam
Me: what makes you think that
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: I just asked
Me: yeah it's about him
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: what he do cause I'll beat his ass
Me: I think he cheating
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: he just walked through the door
Me: he can stay over there too
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: ima beat his ass
Me: fuck him but we going out tonight or what
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: you know it I'll pick you up at 9
Me: aight
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I finish up and I walk out the bathroom and put my phone on the charger and get in the bed. I decide to take me a nap. I get woken up out my sleep a few hours later by my phone going off. I sit up and groan and answer my phone.
Phone convo
Me: why tf you calling me Cam
Stupid😒😑: why else would I call you
Me: go and talk to yo girl
Stupid😒😑: I'm trying to talk to you but you being stubborn man
Me: I'm not your girl
Stupid😑😒: you are so stop playing with me cause you not leaving me
Me: nigga watch me leave yo ass
Stupid😑😒: she didn't mean anything to me
Me: then why tf was you entertaining her
Stupid😑😒: idk I was being stupid
Me: uh huh cam bye get tf off my line
End of convo
I hang up the phone and get up and walk in the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk out the bathroom and into my closet and find me a outfit for the club and put it on.

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