Don't put my trust in you

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  1 month later
Jade's Pov
It's been a month since I broke things off with Cam and me and Justin have been hanging out.
I wake up out my sleep and I get up and walk in the bathroom and I do my hygiene stuff. I finish up and walk in the closet and find me an outfit and put it on. I walk out the closet and grab my phone and keys. Someone knocks on the door and I walk downstairs and open it. Justin looks at me and says. "Come on bae let's go." I look at him. "Where we going?" He says. "Just come on." He grabs my hand and we walk out the house and I lock the door behind me. We get in his car and he drives off. My phone starts ringing and I get it out my purse and answer it.
Phone convo
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: wassup where you at
Me: I'm with Justin
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: where y'all going
Me: I don't know he wouldn't tell me
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: ooh tell my best I said wassup
Me: he not your best
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: he is but hmu when you get back home
Me: he not but aight
End of convo
I hang up the phone and Justin says. "Mhm Where y'all trying to go tonight?" I look at him. "I'm going home and getting back in the bed." He shakes his head. "Lazy ass." He pulls up at Checkers and I look at him. "You could've just said we were going out to eat." We get out the car and walk inside the restaurant. The waiter takes us to a table and we sit down. Justin gets on his phone and I look at him. "What you just do?" He shakes his head and smiles. I reach across the table and snatch his phone out his hand. I look at his phone and then at him.

He says

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He says. "What?" I roll my eyes. "Why you do that?" He looks at me. "Cause you cute bae and why you look sad." I glare at him and say. "Mhm and I'm not sad." The waitress comes over and we order our food. I get on my phone and Justin snatches it out my hands. "What you doing,give it back." I say as I glare at him. He says. "Nah what you need it for?" I say. "Cause it's mine and you got yours don't it." He says. "Put I'm not on mines." The waiter brings us our food and I start eating. Justin says. "You beautiful bae." I softly smile at him. "Hmm thank you." We finish eating and Justin pays. I look at him. "You didn't have to-." He cuts me off. "I wanted to." We walk out to the car and get inside. He drives off and I say. "Where we going now?" He glances over at me and says. "To your house." I sit back and look out the window. He turns on the radio and I lean my head against the window. We pull up at my house a few minutes later and I get out and walk up to the door and unlock it. I walk inside and Justin walks inside behind me. He wraps his arms around me and says. "I'll be back later and here's your phone." He gives me my phone and kisses me on the cheek. I smile and he walks out the house. I walk upstairs and walk in my room. I get in the bed and get on my phone and call Mia.
Phone convo
Me: wassup
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰:you made it back home yet?
Me: yeah
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: I'm about to slide thru
Me: alright girl
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰:where Justin?
Me: idk he gone somewhere but he said he'll be back later
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: mhm you keeping up with yo man I see
Me: girl bye
End of convo
I hang up the phone and turn on the tv. Someone knocks on the door and I get up and walk downstairs and open the door. Mia walks in and says. "Girl Cam been asking about you." I roll my eyes. "I don't know why?" She says. "Girl I'm glad you moved on." I walk upstairs in my room and she follows behind me. I get back in the bed and Mia looks at me. "You know if Justin was here you wouldn't be in the bed." I glare at her. "Girl shut yo ass up." She says. "Ooh ima tell Justin." I hump my shoulders. "Idc." Mia snatches my phone and starts texting somebody. I get up and walk over to her. "I know you not texting him." She says. "Nah girl." She starts laughing and I push her slightly and walk out the room. I hear someone knocking on the door and I walk downstairs and open the door. I see Cam on the other side and I glare at him. "Nigga what tf do you want?" He says. "I came to talk to you." I slam the door in his face and Mia walks downstairs. "Who was that?" I turn around and say. "Cam." She says. "What he wanted?" I shrug and walk off. Mia opens the door and Justin walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "Who made you mad bae?" I shake my head and turn around and look at him. "Cam my ex." He looks at me. "Let me see your phone?" I unlock my phone and hand it to him. He gets my phone and walks outside. I look at Mia and she shrugs. I walk upstairs in my room and get in the bed. Justin walks in my room a few minutes later and throws my phone on the bed. "He ain't gone bother you no more." I look at him. "What you do?" He says. "You want him to keep bothering you?" I say. "No." He gets in the bed and lays beside me. "Better not now come here." I move closer to him and he pulls me in his arms. I lay on his chest and he kisses my forehead and I slightly smile and drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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