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A week later
Jade's Pov
Someone knocks on the door and I get up and open it. Cam walks in the house and says. "I missed you." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. Cam comes behind me and grabs my arm. "I'm sorry." I turn around and look at him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I look at him for a second and say. "Are you really?" He says. "Yes baby I want to make things work between us." I don't say anything and I walk in the room and get in the bed. Cam walks in the room and lays next to me. I turn over on my side and I lay my head on his chest. I start to fall asleep but Cam's phone keeps going off. I get up out the bed and walk over to the nightstand and grab his phone. I look at his notifications and I shake my head. I throw his phone and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I finish and I walk out the bathroom and into my closet and find me a outfit and put it on.

 I finish and I walk out the bathroom and into my closet and find me a outfit and put it on

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I walk out the closet and grab my keys and phone and walk out the room. I walk downstairs and outside and I see Cam's car parked in the driveway and I key it up and bust the windows out his car with a rock.

I get in my car and I drive to Mia's house

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I get in my car and I drive to Mia's house. I turn on the radio and I continue driving. I pull up in her driveway a few minutes later and I get out and knock on the door. Mike opens the door and looks at me. "What's wrong Suh." I walk inside and say. "Nothing I'm good." Mia says. "She lying it's Cam again isn't it?" Before I could say anything my phone starts ringing. I get my phone out my back pocket and I see that it's Cam calling me. I hit decline and Mike says. "Who's the dude I seen you leaving the club with the other night?" I glare at him. "Nobody nosey ass." Mike gets a phone call and he walks off. Mia walks up to me and says. "I know that look what you do?" I shake my head. "Nothing." Mike walks back over to us and looks at me. "Jade He pissed why you key that man car up and bust all his windows out." I say. "Nigga idgaf and he should've never been playing with me." Mia says. "When you gone leave Cam alone?" I look at her. "Mia don't start this shit today." Mike says. "You crazy." My phone starts ringing and I get it out my back pocket and I answer it
Phone convo
Me: who's this
Unknown: this Justin ma
Me: oh what you want
Justin😑😒: I called you to check on you
Me: I'm good
Justin😑😒: you don't sound good so tell me what's wrong
Me: It's personal shit
Justin😑😒: let me take you somewhere to get your mind off of things
Me: take me where
Justin😑😒: you'll see just say yes
Me: I guess
Justin😑😒: where you at?
Me: at Mia's house
Justin😑😒: girl I need the address I don't know where she stay
Me: ok boy dang I'll text it to you
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I text Justin the address to Mia's house. Mike looks at me and says. "Who was you on the phone with?" I look at him. "None of your business." Mia walks over to me and whispers. "That was Justin wasn't it?" I look at her and nod my head. "I gave him your address if that's ok with you." She says. "Girl if you wouldn't have gave it to him I would've." I glare at her. "You just saying that cause you want me to get over Cam." I sit on the couch and get on my phone. I wait on Justin and someone knocks on the door. Mike opens the door and says. "Nigga can I help you?" I get up and walk to the door and I see Justin. I move Mike out the way and walk outside. We walk to Justin's car and get inside and I look at him. "Where we going?" He says. "We going to my mom's house." I say. "Nigga why tf we going there?" He glances over at me before driving off. "Chill ma she having a family gathering." I roll my eyes. "Why you want me to meet your mom?" He drives off and says. "Cause you need to get your mind off of things." I shake my head and look out the window. "You think you slick trying to introduce me to yo family and shit." He pulls up at a house and we get out and he knocks on the door. His mom opens the door and looks at me. "Hi sweetie how are you?" I softy smile and say. "Hi and I'm ok." She lets us in and I look around. "You have a nice home." She smiles. "Thank you." Justin grabs my hand and takes me outside to the backyard. He looks at me. "Don't worry I gotcha." A group of little kids come up to us and says. "What's your name?" I bend down and look at them. "I'm Jade." One little girl grabs my hand and says. "Are you My brother's girlfriend?" I shake my head. "No we're just friends." A teenaged girl comes up to me and says. "You can come and chill with us." I follow her and we walk up to a group of girls and they all look at me and say in unison. "Girl you bad." I look at them and say. "Thank y'all." One girl says. "I'm Nelly and are you and my cousin dating?" I shake my head. "No we're just friends." Nelly says. "Y'all going to start dating soon." Justin walks over to us and says. "Y'all Leave her alone." He grabs my hand and drags me off. "Why'd you do that We was talking?" He looks at me. "My cousins watching you and I know them they gone try and shoot they shots with you,so you staying under me all day." I roll my eyes. "I don't need a babysitter." He says. "Jade what I say?" I don't say anything and I stand beside him. I fold my arms and Justin says. "Idc about yo lil attitude." I glare at him. "Nigga shut up." Nelly walks up to us and looks at me. "Girl come on why you over here with these ugly niggas."  Justin says. "Nah she straight right here with me." I roll my eyes and Nelly says. "Nigga you acting like She yo girl or something." I say. "Right like we just friends my nigga." Justin looks at me. "Stop getting smart with a nigga." I whisper in his ear. "You can be my little secret." He looks at me. "Jade don't be doing that bullshit man." I turn to look at him before walking away with Nelly. "I'm just playing." Me and Nelly walk back over to the rest of the girls. Jamiyah says. "You got my cousin wrapped around yo finger." I shake my head. "I don't."
Cam's Pov
I get in my car and drive to jade's house. I pull up at her house and I get out and knock on the door. She opens the door and I walk in the house. I look at her and say. "I missed you." She rolls her eyes and walks upstairs. I walk upstairs and grab her arm. I walk behind her. "I'm sorry." She turns around and looks at me. I wrap my arms around her waist. She looks at me for a second and says. "Are you really?" I say. "Yes baby I want to make things work between us." She doesn't say anything and She walks in the room. I walk in the room and lay next to her. She turns over and lays her head on my chest. I fall asleep and I wake up a few hours later. I get up out the the bed and I put on my shoes and grab my keys and phone and walk downstairs. I yell jade's name and I walk outside and see my car. I get my phone and call Jade but she doesn't answer. I hang up and call mike and wait for him to answer.
Phone convo
Me: Jade there?
Mikey: yeah why
Me: this girl keyed up my car and busted all my window out
Mikey: Damn nigga what you do
Me: bruh ain't do shit she just crazy
Mikey: She got tired of you cheating and lying
Me: I only cheated three times
Mikey: nigga you ain't shit
Me: all we do is argue and I be needing a break
Mikey: So you went out and cheated
Me: all that don't matter now
Mikey: well she here but I think she about to go somewhere
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I get in my car and drive to Mia's house. I pull up in her driveway and get out and storm inside. Mike says. "She gone." Mia says. "She with her new nigga." I look at her. "Who she gone with?" Mia looks at me. "It doesn't matter." Mike looks at me. "She with some nigga she left the club with last week." I nod my head. "Aight bet." I get my phone and I try calling Jade but she doesn't answer. I look at Mia and I say. "She gone with Justin?" She looks at me for a second and doesn't say anything. I get my phone and call Justin's phone.
Phone convo
Me: Jade with you
Justin🗣: yeah nigga why
Me: why you with my girl
Justin🗣: cause nigga I went and picked her up
Me: I don't appreciate you picking my girl up
Justin🗣: nigga if you was doing yo job then I wouldn't have to pick her up
Me: what me and her got going on ain't got shit to do with you
Justin🗣: it do cause you got a real one but you out here fucking up
Me: It don't my nigga
Justin🗣: it does cause if you was treating her right then I wouldn't have a chance with her
Me: you don't have a chance with her she know where her home at
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I look at Mia. "So you all for her leaving me?" She rolls her eyes and says with an attitude. "Nigga I been told her to leave yo ass alone." Mike says. "Don't y'all start this." I get up and look out the window. "What time she coming back?" Mike says. "Idk."

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