Questioning us

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Jade's Pov
I wake up and I see Cam laying next to me. I get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff. I finish up and brush my teeth and hair. I walk out the bathroom and go in the closet and find me a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt with my Oreo Jordan's. I walk out the closet and grab my keys and phone. I walk downstairs and outside to my car. My phone rings and I see that it's Mia calling me and I answer it.
Phone convo
Me: wassup bih
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: wassup where you at
Me: about to leave the house
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: aight come and get me
Me: you at home?
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: yeah girl
Me: ok I'll be there in a minute
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: aight
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I drive to Mia's house. I pull up at her house a few minutes later. I get out and walk inside and her cousin looks at me. "Jade do you know where Cam was last night?" I roll my eyes. "Rachel I don't have time for your shit today." Mia walks downstairs and says. "Let's go and don't worry about her." We walk outside and get in my car. I drive off and Mia says. "Don't put your trust in him." I roll my eyes. "We been through too much to just give up." I drive to the mall and Mia says. "He keep fucking up." I glance over at her. "You right." I pull up at the mall and I get phone and call Cam,but he doesn't answer. I get out the car and Mia follows behind me and says. "Just leave him." I look at her and walk in the mall. Mia says. "You good?" I nod my head and we walk around the mall and shop for a few hours. We walk outside and get in my car. Mia says. "You being quiet wassup Jade." I shake my head and drive to Mia's house. I pull up at her house and she gets out. "Ima call you tomorrow." I say. "Ok." I drive home and pull up a few minutes later and I get my bags and walk in the house. I walk upstairs and I put my bags in the closet. I walk in the bathroom and I shake my head and pick Cam's dirty clothes up and put them in the basket. I pick his jeans up off the floor and I find something in his pocket.

I get his basket and I walk downstairs and outside

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I get his basket and I walk downstairs and outside. Cam pulls up and I throw his clothes on the ground and the basket. I walk in the house and lock the door. I walk upstairs in my room and get in the bed. Cam starts blowing my phone up and I roll my eyes. I turn on the tv and watch it for awhile. I fall asleep a few minutes later. I wake up the next morning and I hear someone knocking on the door. I get up and walk downstairs and open the door and see Cam. I look at him. "What you want?" He says. "I'm sorry baby I love you." I say. " You say you love me,but baby I ain't been feeling the love." He looks at me and shakes his head. "I know I fucked up." I push him out the way and walk off. He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to me. "I'll do whatever to build your trust up." I turn around and look at him. "I heard them talking,but believe me I ain't been giving a fuck,How long should I let you play me before I'm suppose to give up." He looks at me. "Don't give up on us." I snatch away from him. "Boy you got me wildin' I'm wishing I wasn't in love with you,Should've listened to my girl when she told me don't put my trust in you." He shakes his head. "Why you listening to her anyways." I shake my head and fold my arms. "Lately I been really questioning us,You say you care,but I don't think you care enough." He wraps his arms around me. "I do care baby." I move his arms and say. "Boy you got me out here looking fool,girls saying they fucking You,You saying it wasn't true." He looks at me. "Baby they lying it's not true." I walk off and go upstairs in my bathroom. I turn on the shower and Cam walks in the bathroom. I turn around and look at him. "Just get out." He walks over to me and tries to kiss me. I move my face and I walk away from him. "Cam just get tf out." He walks out the bathroom and I shake my head. I turn off the shower and I walk in my room and get on my phone. I call Mia and wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
Me: where you at
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: I'm omw to you
Me: aight
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: Why you sound mad
Me: I'm good
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: it's Cam again isn't it
Me: yeah...
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: I know you love him but how many times are you going to let him play you
Me: I'm done with him
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: uh huh as soon as I call you tomorrow he gone be there
Me: no he not
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: we'll see Jade
Me: I'm fr he not
Mia🤦🏽‍♀️🥰: if you say so
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I get up and walk downstairs. I sit on the couch and wait for Mia. Someone knocks on the door and I get up and open it. I step the side and let Mia in. I look at her. "Don't even say it." She puts her hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to say anything." I say. "But you was going to." She sits on the couch and I sit next to her. She says. "We need to go out tonight." I look up from my phone and say. "Ok,but what time we going?" She says. "I'm ready now,but we can go around 9." I nod my head and get back on my phone. "We leaving at 9 cause I'm tired rn." I turn on the tv and I put it on Netflix. Mia says. "You need to forget about Cam." I look at her. "It's not that easy." She gets off her phone and glares at me. "Ok you just keep being stupid." I shake my head and Justin texts me.
Justin😒♥️: where you at ma
Me: at home why
Justin😒♥️: cause I'm about to come and see you
Me: for what exactly
Justin😒♥️: we're friends I can't come and see you
Me: I guess you can
Justin😒♥️: yo nigga must be at home
Me: I don't have a nigga
Justin😒♥️: you still being stupid Jade I told you to leave that nigga
Me: nigga you and Mia need to Mind yo own damn business
I sit my phone in my lap and Mia looks at me. "We're only trying to help you." I look at her. "I didn't ask for y'all help." She looks at me. "I'm tired of you taking him back when he keeps hurting you." I say. "You just don't understand." She gets up and walks towards the door and turns around and looks at me before leaving. "Call me when you done being stupid." I get up and walk upstairs and get in the bed.
Cam's Pov
I wake up and I see Jade's gone. I get up and walk in the bathroom and do my hygiene stuff . I put on my clothes and walk out the bathroom and grab my keys and phone. I walk downstairs and outside and get in my car. I drive to Amiya's house. I pull up at her house a few minutes later and get out and walk inside. She comes downstairs and looks at me. "What took you so long?"  I look at her. "Wym I didn't take long at all." She looks at me for a second. "Uh huh." We chill for awhile and I get up and leave. I get in my car and drive to me and jade's house. I pull up at the house and I see Jade throwing my clothes outside. She walks in the house and I walk up to the door and try to open it but it's locked. I start knocking on the door
and she doesn't come to the door. I get my phone and start blowing her phone up and I shake my head and walk to my car and get inside and drive off. I drive to Mike's house and I pull up in the driveway and get out and walk inside. Mike says. "What's up what you doing here?"  I look at him. "Jade kicked me out." He shakes his head. "You can sleep on the couch."  I sit on the couch and turn on the tv and Mia comes downstairs and looks at me. "Why you here?" I say. "Yo homegirl kicked me out." She says. "What you do?" I say. "I didn't do anything." Mike says. "So,she just kicked you out for no reason?" I nod my head and I lay down on the couch and drift off to sleep. I wake up the next morning and I get up and walk outside and get in my car and drive to me and jade's house. I pull up at the house and get out and knock on the door. Jade opens the door and looks at me. "What you want?" I say. "I'm sorry baby I love you." She says. " You say you love me,but baby I ain't been feeling the love." I look at her and shake my head. "I know I fucked up." She pushes me out the way and walk off. I grab her arm and pull her closer to me. "I'll do whatever to build your trust up." She turns around and looks at me. "I heard them talking,but believe me I ain't been giving a fuck,How long should I let you play me before I'm suppose to give up." I look at her. "Don't give up on us." She snatches away from him. "Boy you got me wildin' I'm wishing I wasn't in love with you,Should've listened to my girl when she told me don't put my trust in you." I shake my head. "Why you listening to her anyways." She shakes her head and folds her arms. "Lately I been really questioning us,You say you care,but I don't think you care enough." I wrap my arms around her. "I do care baby." She moves my arms and says. "Boy you got me out here looking fool,girls saying they fucking You,You saying it wasn't true." I look at her. "Baby they lying it's not true." She walks off and go upstairs. I follow behind her and walk in the bathroom. She turns around and looks at me. "Just get out." I walk over to her and try to kiss her. She moves her face and walks away from me. "Cam just get tf out." I smack my lip and walk out the bathroom. I walk downstairs and outside to my car. I get in and drive off.

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