Ain't been feeling the love

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        2 weeks later
           Jade's Pov
I get up and walk downstairs and Cam walks through the door with Mike. I look at him. "Wassup." He looks at me and shakes his head. "Wassup sis." Cam says. "Hi baby." I look at him. "Don't hi baby me nigga." Cam looks at me. "What I do now?" I glare at him. "Where tf you been I haven't seen you in a week or two." Mike says. "Come on don't y'all start this shit today." Cam says. "Man that's her now you see why I'm never home." I look at him. "You should've stayed where you was." I walk off and Mike yells. "Y'all know y'all gone get right back together." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs and I get my phone off the bed and I see Justin texted me.
Justin😒♥️: You still in yo feelings
Me: I never was in my feelings
Justin😑♥️: you was Cause you usually answer the phone for me
Me: nigga I didn't answer the phone for you cause I didn't want to hear all that bullshit you be talking
Justin😒♥️:you getting mad at me cause of that bird looking ass nigga who be treating you like shit
Me: see this is why I don't talk to you cause you always bringing him up
Justin😒♥️: I'm just tired of you always taking him back after he hurt you over and over again
Me: are you done now 🙄 cause I don't want to hear this
Justin😒♥️: well you going to hear it until you learn I'm only trying to help
Me: nigga I don't need your damn help
I put my phone on the charger and Cam walks in the room. "Why you doing all that?" I get off my phone and say. "So,you except me to be all happy and shit when I haven't seen you in a week or two." He says. "Man you always want to argue and shit." I get up and walk in the closet and throw all his clothes and shoes out the closet. I get his new Jordan's and I walk in the bathroom and put them in the sink. I close and lock the door and get the bleach. I pour bleach on his shoes and walk out the bathroom and go downstairs. Mike looks at me and says. "What yo crazy ass do this time?" I look at him. "Nothing." Cam comes downstairs and says. "Man bruh why tf you bleach my shoes?" I turn around and look at him. "Cause I wanted to nigga and you gone stop playing with me." Mike says. "Cam bruh lets go." They leave and I walk back upstairs and get in the bed.
Cam's Pov
I drive to Mike's house and I pull up in the driveway a few minutes later. I get out and walk inside and Mike says. "Where you been?" I look at him. "Just been chillin'." Mia walks downstairs and looks at me. "Mhm." Mike says. "Aye ride somewhere with me." We walk outside and get in his car. I look at him. "Where we going bro?" He says. "Nigga you'll see." He continues driving and we pull up at Jade's house. I look at him. "why we here?" He gets out the car and says. "Just get out the car." I reluctantly get out the car and we walk inside.
Jade looks at Mike. "Wassup." He looks back at her and shakes his head. "Wassup sis." I say. "Hi baby." She looks at me. "Don't hi baby me nigga." I look at her. "What I do now?" She glares at me. "Where tf you been I haven't seen you in a week or two." Mike says. "Come on don't y'all start this shit today." I look at him and say. "Man that's her now you see why I'm never home." She says. "You should've stayed where you was." She walks off and Mike yells. "Y'all know y'all gone get right back together." I look at him and shake my head. "You see what I got to deal with?" He shakes his head and I walk upstairs and in her room. "Why you doing all that?" She gets off her phone and says. "So,you except me to be all happy and shit when I haven't seen you in a week or two." I say. "Man you always want to argue and shit." She gets up and walks in the closet and throws all my clothes and shoes out the closet. I start picking my clothes up and she walks in the bathroom and closes and locks the door. I start knocking on the door and she walks out the bathroom and walks out the room. I walk in the bathroom and look in the sink. I see my new Jordan's in the sink with bleach all on them. I storm out the room and walk downstairs. "Man bruh why tf you bleach my shoes?" She turns around and looks at me. "Cause I wanted to nigga and you gone stop playing with me." Mike says. "Cam bruh lets go." We walk outside and get in his car. Mike drives off and I glare at him. "Why you take me over there?" He says. "Nigga calm down and you know you wanted to see her." He pulls up in his driveway a few minutes later and I get out and walk inside.

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