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Jacc didn't know what to do, he was trapped. 

"Jacc! Focus! Please?" Jacc was so scared. He was being such a brave boy. 

"JOS. You need to get in!" Billie shouted.

"How though?!" 

"Open the door, push Jacc out of the way do the temperature thing, and run!" 

"Ok, lets do it." 

Jos and Billie talked they knew their plan. Open the door and just run. 

"1..." Billie shouted.



They pushed the door open and saw Jacc standing up infront of the door.

"MOVE!" Jos pushed Jacc as he fell straight onto his face, bruising himself as the cold hard floor reached him.

 Billie and Jos ran up to the temperature gauze. 

"What are you doing!" Jos shouted at Billie. 


"You were meant to be shutting the door! Making sure Jacc doesn't es..." Jos was interrupted.

Jacc stood up, and got himself out of the door. Slammed it. 

"...scape." Jos felt like a right idiot. 

"AFTER HIM!" Billie and Jos ran up to the door opened it. Jacc was no where to be seen. 

Jacc was running, and running, he had cuts, bruises, ripped clothes, he was a mess. Did that stop him? No. Jacc was petrified, but he was running and he wasn't going to stop. Where will he end up though?

Authours note; 

Im so sorry this chapter is so short, I had to update it though! Can every single one of you like my page? Its an edit page on FaceBook heres the link;

Click it! ^ ^ ^ 

Thanks guys! 


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