Ch. 6 Mikey gets Shellacne and the Evan cousins get twin alized part 1

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Haley's point of view :

Cole and I stand in line waiting to buy hot chocolate for me, the twins and Megan. The line was long and that's why Phoebe was rocking out to Christmas muisc on the bench while where trying to buy hot chocolate. Cole was in front of me and he was finnaly ordering.

"Hey Haley" Someone shouts.

I look up to see Ryan Tills and my heart skips a beat. I try my best not blush as I try to play it cool. Because that's what you do when your crush approaches you, play it cool and not be nervous in front of them.

"Hey Ryan, what's up" I said as I smile and try not to stutter.

"Nothing much, I heard your performing at Ivy's Christmas party next week" Ryan said.

"Well yeah, it's pretty huge for my band" I said.

"That's so cool" Ryan said with a smile.

Oh my gosh ! He called me cool !

I was calm on the outside but on the inside i was freaking out.

"Your cool" I said with a giggle.

We both giggle. He touches my shoulder and to my surprise he blushes something I was trying so hard not to do.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to this new restaurant with me tonight, if you want" Ryan asks me.

He was asking me on a date. This is amazing.

"Yeah I would like to Ryan" I said with a smile.

His face lits up.

"Uh sweet I'll pick you up at 7" Ryan said.

"Okay I'll see you tonight" I said.

Ryan waves good bye and leaves.

I pump my fist in the air.

"Yes !" I said with a smile.

"Haley I got you the hot chocolate" Cole said as he drinks half of it.

"Hey !" I shout at him.

Cole places the cup in my hand.

"Here I saved you half of it" Cole smirks.

"Cole !" I shout as I look at the half drink of hot chocolate. It smelled really good.

I'm not a picky eater so I drink some of it. I made a face. The hot chocolate tasted kinda of weird like it had different ingredients you don't normal put in hot chocolate.

I gusse I won't buy the twins or Megan any hot chocolate because it's not that good. I'll buy them ice cream instead. I sigh as I leave. I spent an hour in the line for nothing.


Cole's point of view,

It was the weekend and we're hanging out with the turtles. I had alot on my mind. The annual Christmas party was coming up in a few days and I was dreading it. Don't get me wrong I've missed seeing my whole family but there is just one family members that just ruins it for me.

That family Member is uncle Delta.

Uncle Delta absolutely hates my guts. He threatens me saying he's going to draft me into the Navy because I'm nothing but a punk.

It's know with in my family that Uncle Delta had an falling out with my mom after he had accused her of stealing a priceless neckleaces from him. But it's not right to take it out on her children. But no one believes me about Uncle Delta and his threats towards me. They always say that I have an big imgainie but I know how awful Uncle Delta is.

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