Care for a bite?

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It was supposed to be a long day at the office. While the building I work at is generally a building that was always busy and full of overly excited people, my job was relatively quiet and honestly perfect for me, I didn't have to deal with humans that often at least. I am an English IT relations trainer for JYP Entertainment. I deal with showing new hires the ways of the English Tech that JYP uses and translates it for them because "It's cheaper to have you do this than for me to create a whole new translated program" as my big boss JYPnim has told me on many occasions. However recently my big boss just has me working as his assistant until Irene, his normal assistant, returns in 4 months from maternity leave. He's had me do everything from picking up his dry cleaning to water checking all the trainees. Grueling work, to say the least.

Today, though, is rougher than usual because I was forced into the whirlwind that is YG Entertainment. Sigh the humans who work for that company are on both ends of the emotional spectrum, always happy or always brooding, and it was a rollercoaster ride getting from one to another. At least with JYP idols they were mild-mannered and courteous and that I could handle but the never knowing what mood the artist was gonna be in, or getting attitude from a child would set me on edge.

So there I stood next to my Big Boss JYP staring at a group of young men, who couldn't be more than 25 years old, while my boss and theirs conversed. Blush ran to my cheeks as I felt their eyes on me. It was like I was being inspected by a buyer, critical eyes on me wasn't new but they felt deeper the longer we stood there.

"...She will stay with them until the show airs, just so one of my people can keep an eye on them. You understand?" JYP tells Mr. Yang as his hand comes down onto my back effectively getting my attention and causing my eyes to snap away from one the guys, I'd been having a staring contest with, to my boss, wait, what am I doing?

"Huh?" I say to no one because let's face it, I'm just too shy around the handsome men in front of me that my brain blanked as I looked into their eyes, plus my boss has been completely ignoring my existence talking as if I wasn't even there so my 'huh' landed on deaf ears. I chance a glance at the guys in the group to see if they knew what our bosses are referring to. The look of knowing in each of their faces told me I was out of the loop and was the only one unaware of the days' events. I'm always the last to know what my day will be like...

One of the young men from the group looked at me, the same one who was playing the staring game with me earlier smirked and lowered his glasses, probably aren't even a prescription, my brain screamed.

"Looks like you're gonna be our new manager while we work with JYP. This should be fun. I'm Lee Seunghoon, call me Hoony though." He bowed as he introduced himself. Only to receive a nudge in the ribs from the bleach blonde man next to him and a glare that could cut down any grown man.

"Guess who's back? We are Winner." They said in unison bowing enough to show me they respected me. Both CEOs smiled and turned their attention to me. JYP though was the first to break the silence with a happy sigh. One that frankly always worried me because it meant I was doing something I'd dislike doing.

"Well Kate," he paused using a nickname only a hand full of people use, like he was trying to butter me up, "if it is alright with you, I'm gonna have you manage this group while they stay in our building down the street over the next 72 hours. They'll show up to their assigned flat at a time you guys agree on. You'll need to meet them there. You'll have a small place next door so you can be close for shooting purposes, Also you're going to act as their manager, it'll be easy, but all of this is only if you are okay with it. You know I would never force you to do anything you can't handle." He says looking at me seriously, is he for real? Was I ready to manage 4 random humans...again? I weighed my options and thought about for a second. Take his offer seriously Kat, what's the worst that could happen? I began to hyperventilate as every bad thought came to mind.

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