Are You Blushing?

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If there was anything that irritates me more than my anxiety it was people being late, so I made sure I was stepping up to the apartment building right at 8:45 AM. I stood there staring up as far up as I could at the building that was to be my new home over the next 3 days. It was a giant intimidating building made of reflective glass windows that looked as if it was more glass than anything else and towered over the entire block. I wasn't in a rush to go in, I knew I just needed to get in there set my bag down and relax until the guys showed up. Hopefully, I can get situated before they arrive.

I walked to the building feeling slightly nervous. I'll be fine, I repeated with each step to the lift. Fishing out my phone I double checked where exactly we were staying unsure if my memory was correct or not. Eleventh floor, right? Go to the left when I step out the lift, right? I scrolled through the emails waiting for the elevator to open, it wasn't a long wait.

I stepped into the elevator and went up to the floor we were staying on, only after finally finding the email, JYP sent me, at least I got the floor right. The entire building was overly done with expensive couches and furniture, scattered around. In true JYP fashion, everything was cream and black or white and chrome. There were large paintings down each of the hallways. I made my way down the left side noticing that each piece was looking more and more expensive than the last the farther down I went.

I reached the door with the numbers I was looking for, 1176 & 1166, I walked in pure curiosity, who was the stranger standing near my door? I was nervous to walk up. The person made no rash movements as I got closer but as soon as I reached my door, I knew I was okay because of the man standing there was someone I should have known sooner. His feet were spread in a 'V' shape, he wore red converse and a long black coat. His back turned to me I couldn't see who it was but, the shoes alone told me who it was but everything about him screamed Mino. I also remembered the shoes from the day before. His hair was green today and I could see the chain for the glasses he wore the previous day, large sunglasses with a long leash on them. I tapped his shoulder as I walked up behind him, he jumped slightly turning in place, his face even seemed like he was surprised to see me. He showed me he had his earbuds in pulling then out as he smiled at me laughing lightly, so he didn't even hear me walk up to him, I thought to myself, he's cute when he smiles.

"Good morning, Mino!" I say happily, shaking off the slight blush I was experiencing. I bowed to him, trying hard to forget that I spent the entire night before trying to forget that sound he'd made as he bit into my pie.

"Oh! Hey! It's you!" He said back as if he'd forgotten my name already, but I wasn't fazed by it. Forgetting what my job was for a second, my inner sex kitten popped out as I bit my lip in an attempt to mock pout, feigning my feelings being hurt by him not using my name or at least an honorific.

"Kathleen Aleco, but you can all me Kate." I turn my pout into a smile and smiled brightly at him which earned me a bright smile from him. He nodded repeating my name like a soft prayer. Mm I could get used to him saying my name like that, I ducked my head as the thought hit me. I was setting myself up for hurt by having thoughts like that when I should be focused on being their manager. When I looked at him he seemed unfazed by my actions and smiled at me again. He licked his lips as began telling me about something he'd been drawing when I walked up, showing me the sketch pad he had. Talented to say the least, I was definitely interested in getting to know this man.

We talked for a minute about random things, including his art, before I looked over at my door wondering how much work I'd need to do for it to be livable. 1178, the door is literally next door to theirs! I looked at Mino who was looking at me with curiosity as well. He crooked his brow at me with a sly grin like he could read the naughty thoughts I had running through my head.

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