Chapter 2: A Gnash in the Neck

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   It hadn't been any longer than 15 minutes, when Chloe turned into a huge spaz.

   "Oh my god, is that the Guillotine Area?" she asked, pointing towards the storm covered town.

   "I've said this 3 times already, that is Torture Town," Oliver said, quite annoyed.

   "Eek, what if Krimeli eats me? Can demons do that!?"

   "We're not allowed if Satan told us to help you."

   "What if-"

   Oliver turned her head 180 degrees, her smile now a psychotic grin, her eyes wide with anger, and her cheeks pale white, aside from their usual red demeanor. 

   "Listen up you little brat. I'm not getting paid 50 cents per hour to be hearing yap about your little "basic bitch" problems. Stop your whining," she paused to smile, "I will personally jump rope with your skin. Do I make myself clear?

   Chloe shut her mouth, keeping a quiet streak on for a whole 5 minutes.

   "Why are we walking? Don't ya'll have like cars or something?"

   "If you really do get out of here, consider this your torture," Oliver replied.

   Chloe whimpered, scared about her fate. They soon reached a gate, whom's sign read, "Guillotine Gallows. A classy slaughterhouse,". The gate was blown open by a sudden gust of wind, caused by the local tempest inside. 

   "Where's Krimeli gonna be?" she asked.

   "Golly gee, I don't know. Maybe the area with all the guillotines in it, but maybe that's just me," Oliver sneered.  Some metal guitars could be heard in the distance.

Faster than my swipes

Terrifying blood-mouth

Enraged and like a demon

She's half woman and half wolf

Mistress of destroying, I'm pulling your intestines

Twisting your necks and smashing your heads

Blinded by me, you can't see the truth

Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you dread

(Full song unavailable)

   Oliver went into the opening, demons glaring at her from the shadows. She held up her cane, a beam of red lightning sparking out. Monsters, freaks, and creeps, all came out of their hiding places. Some even howled at the storm above them. 

   "Hear ye, hear ye! My lovely nasties! I am Oliver, gatekeeper of Hell. And here I have a helpless baby goat wooking fow her way home~" she teased.

   The demons chuckled, Oliver following suit.

   "She wishes to speak with your leader of the territory, Krimeli! It would definitely be a pleasure!"

   "Oi, Lady! Ya got visitors!" a black creature called. 

   A howl sounded from behind a giant rusted platform with a guillotine on top. Three yellow, iridescent eyes opened, a giant canine creature jumping out. Krimeli was a blue wolf with pink fur and white hair. She had two eyes on her face, but a third, with two white pigtails protruding from it. It blinked, showing it was still a real eye. She wore torn up clothes held on by suspenders, and a huge tail poking over her shorts.

   "Who has summoned me?" she asked, with a scornful giggle.

   "My pleasure, Lady Krimeli, it truly is a pleasure-"

   "Cut the shit Oliver, tell me what the hell you want," she growled.

   "How rude, we have a guest. This is Chloe! She was wondering if you had dragged her down here, since you represent ambition and desire," Oliver said, her smile turning more evil-like.

   Krimeli looked at Chloe long and hard, scoffing and jeering occasionally.

   "I didn't drag no girl down ere'," she finally said. 

   Chloe breathed a sigh of relief, which was immediately drawn back in when she saw her drooling with hungry eyes.

   "I wouldn't mind taking her off yer hands if ya wanted," she chuckled, extending her claws. 

   "Oh my god, I knew it, you were gonna eat me! I was asking Oliver about this, but she wouldn't answer, and your breath stinks!" Chloe stuttered, trying to come up with words.

   "That's rude, I'm yer guest. And you'll be in my stomach soon enough!" Krimeli cackled, preparing to pounce.

   Chloe shrieked, temporarily stunning her. Oliver grabbed her arm as they both ran for the gate, which was further than they thought. The winds began to pick up, pushing them more towards Krimeli. She was able to barely swipe at them, but not enough for her to grab Chloe. Oliver quickly shut the gate behind them, Krimeli beginning to claw and scratch at the metal bars.

   "Don't come back ere' unless you're here to appease me!" she yelled.

   Chloe and Oliver hid around the corner of the brick wall, panting heavily. She felt her neck, feeling a huge cut within it.

   "Why didn't I-!?" she began.

   Oliver begrudgingly pointed to the cross necklace around her neck. She crossed Krimeli's name off the list.

   "But- what- appease?" Chloe stuttered.

   "Don't worry, she's an idiot," Oliver snickered. "This next demon is more tame, but mainly it's because she's in the 2nd circle of lust. The Greed demon herself, Widow Black!"

   Chloe shuddered, hoping she wasn't another ravenous wolf.

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