Chapter 7: Crocoliger Rock

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   Chloe shook at the thought. She certainly thought the last demon was a crackjob, and Oliver did have a twisted sense of humor. 

   "Alura was right," she teared up.

   Oliver quit her laughing. "Eh, what?"

   "You are an asshole!" she screamed.

   She sobbed loudly, many demons looking over to her in annoyance. Oliver looked around and grabbed Chloe, attempting to drag her away. Unfortunately, she fought back, some of the patrons beginning to get up. A female bug-like monster came up and grabbed her collar.

   "Will you shut the hell UP!?" she spat.

   Chloe ceased her crying for a moment, feeling the monster's claws tighten around her shoulder. Before it sliced at her, it looked up to see Oliver.. And Chloe passed out. She then woke up groggily in a very dirty alleyway. 

   "You should thank me for saving your ass," Oliver grumbled.

   She looked around. What had she done to pass out?

   "You're such a harridan. You think I'm an asshole? I was trying to make you feel better. Seriously, humans whine when their feelings are hurt. People are too sensitive these days. Back in 63', my parents didn't give a hoot if I was crying or not. Toughen up."

   She scoffed, standing up. Chloe stood up as well. They left the alley, walking onto a sidewalk. They had arrived in a city, not too crowded. But some people were arguing violently, some glaring at the scenery around them.

   "Citizens of the Fifth Circle of Hell!" a loud voice boomed.

   The pair looked up, seeing a very unique demon. He had the head of a tiger, the body of a lion, and the tail and spikes of a crocodile. 

   "I am Asmodeus, the demon of wrath!" 

 I remember when Hell was young.

Taking area was so much fun.

Shootin' demons in the face.

I used my machines all over the place.

But what me and Mimosa had thought,

was the thing called the Crocoliger Rock.

Where we would kill demons by the flock,

But it was a total and complete mock-ery.

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   He turned over to a girl, who's bottom half was a snake tail.

   "Mimosa! Send in the Black Hole," he smiled evilly.

   She wheeled in a huge device, it's appearance seemed like a doomsday device. Chloe gasped, while Oliver looked slightly bored.

   "Just watch, it's hysterical," she said.

   He booted up the machine, typing in some codes. He aimed it towards the middle of the sky, preparing to blow up the whole area. Chloe began to chew her nails, whilst Oliver snorted. She was holding back a  laugh.

   Right before Asmodeus pulled the lever, the machine shut down. 

   "What!?" he snarled. "Mimosa, why did it run out of fuel!?"

   "Oopsies," she giggled. "I forgot to put more in!"

   Chloe lowered her hands, as Oliver cracked up beside you.

    "What a pathetic joke!" she cackled. "Go up to him, quick!"

   She looked at him with a bit of disappointment. She went over, Asmodeus scolding Mimosa. 

   "Hi there!" she exclaimed. "Did you come for his autograph? No flash photography!"

   "Um, Mr. Asmodeus?"

   He grunted, fumbling with a screwdriver in his machine.

   "Did you send me to Hell?"

   "Nah," he replied. "Mimosa, hand me some nails!"

  Mimosa shrugged. Chloe then walked off, completely unamused. 

   "You're all bark and no bite," she muttered.

   "Oh, you wanna go, little girl? I'll have you know I have almost taken over this circle!"

   "Twice!" Mimosa added.

   She rolled her eyes. She pulled the boulder out her pocket, throwing it at him.

   "You really think a tiny pebble will defeat me!?" he cackled.

   "The power of Christ compels you!" she screamed.

   He groaned in pain, her running off. Oliver was rolling on the ground, barely catching her breathe. 

   "That was amazing!" she exclaimed. "I wish I had some popcorn!"

   She calmed down, standing up. She wiped many tears from her eyes, shining her monocle. 

   "Alright, you're gonna love this next one!" she giggled.

   Chloe rolled her eyes once more.

   "To Heresy!"

   She went wide eyed. This was where she did not want to go for the life of her.

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