::Chapter 23::

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Kuma did push ups against the ground. Small rocks and blades of grass cut into her hands, but it didn't slow her down. Her face looked forward to open up her chest cavity and make it easier to breathe. Kuma then lifted one hand off the ground and spread her legs, performing one armed push ups with ease. When she was done with her set, she stood up and starting on her deep squats.

Since her arrival to the Leaf Village, she had been kept in this tent at all times, other than when she needed to use water rooms for bathing and other business. Kuma had counted a few days and then she lost track of time. Because she was being kept in the tent like an animal, she had taken to working out incessantly. Kuma didn't want her muscles turning to mush. Luckily, the Leaf ninjas seemed to have forgotten to take her weapons away, so she still had her blades to practice against an invisible enemy. She had to be careful, though. One over-zealous motion and if her blade cut the tent, she'd be dead immediately.

Holding her arms high above her head, she stretched her shoulders. She was much healthier than when she had gotten to the Village. They may be keeping her locked up, but they never forgot to feed her. Two squares a day, in the morning and at night.

But it was starting to wear on Kuma. She had tried to talk to the guards outside her tent flap, but they never talked much back. They'd act like human beings, but then immediately threaten her to shut up or else. Kuma was sure that Kakashi was behind it. He probably didn't want them getting friendly.

Judging by where in the tent the sun was shining through the microscopic holes in the fabric, it was afternoon. Kuma figured it was worth another shot.

"Hey," she cooed through the tent to whoever was on the northern side. "How are you doing today? Remind me that I'm alive and talk to me."

An uninterested voice came from the other side. "You're alive."

It was Kakashi's smooth bored voice.

Kuma rolled her eyes and said, "Hey. Can I meet with your Hokage?".


"I want to talk to her. About my circumstances."

She wasn't sure if it'd work. Kuma had decided that she'd ask every day until they gave in. 

"Sure. Give me five minutes."

Kuma was surprised. It was that easy? I should have asked days ago! Could have saved me some time! she thought to herself. Kuma heard him walk away, and another person take his place standing at that point of the tent. She proceeded to try to engage them in conversation, but she got nothing back. This new guy was all business. Whatever.

Kuma stood back and straightened out her clothing. She re-tightened her ankle boots and adjusted her shirt. Tying up her hair into a high ponytail to look more professional (her wild brown curls were probably not the best to make a good impression on the Hokage), Kakashi came through the tent flap holding something in his hand in a black cloth.

She dropped her arms after her hair was secured and said, "Can we go now?"

"Yes," he answered, "But you'll have to wear this."

Kuma looked incredulousely at the thing he was holding out. "What is it?"

Kakashi said impatiently, "Something to identify you so the Villagers know enough not to go near you."

Kuma took it from him roughly and said, "I'm not some crazed beast or a disease, you know. I'm a fucking person."

She unwrapped whatever it was, and the cloth fell to the floor. Kuma's mouth dropped almost as far. It was a Hidden Hills ninja headband. Dark green cloth and silver metal with her Village's symbol on it; three hill-like curves, the center being the tallest. Kuma never thought she'd wear one again. She stared at it for a few seconds, trying not to react too emotionally.

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