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"Why is he here?" Flex asked my older brother.
"This is my little brother. He is also the one who designed this HQ for you guys. I told him it was the design of his new room to get him to design it."
"Im still pissed at you."
"But didnt i give you something better? Access to this place? Powers of your own?" He asked me and i split myself into three.
"The names Split to you three." I also had a costume on.
"Thats cool." Wingspan stated.
"That it is. And i also have an explanation on the powers. Your flexable because your father piles onto your schedual each day. Your able to controle your mass because your always strong. And your able to fly because your always on your toes with your family. Im able to split because i have to basically be in many places at once working for my brother." I told them all.
"How would you know all that?" Wingspan asked.
"Yeah. How would you know about my father and my schedual?"
"And my family."
"Because you just told me. I was just guessing based off of your powers and your physical appearance. Looks like i was right."
"Ignore that weird ability of his. And try not to creap them out."
"Its a bit too late for that." Wingspan commented.
"He cant be all bad if hes our sponsors brother." I went back to being on.
"And he designed our HQ."
"And i also know exactly how the powers work. I began to research it when i discovered the goo. My brother just named it and began to encourage it by having more people research it. He got the idea of Flex Fighters when i got contaminated and he put me on the team that created the name and designed the logo." I explained. "I also know a few cheat codes to boost scores on the games i programed as well."
"Hes welcome!" Omni-mass stated.
"I can also cook in case you guys get sick of the junk my brother has stocked."
"Thats unneeded." I then flopped onto the couch.
When it was time to go home, i had befriended the three. They just didnt tell me their real names. Its cool though. Im gonna be a teacher soon so i bet i will be able to find out. They are of highschool age, and according to my brother, they all go to the same school.

When i got a class, i saw all three of the same body shape. I smiled and greeted the class.
"Good morning, i am Kyle Rook, your new material science teacher. Its a bit different than what it sounds like as well. And also, all phones go up here under your name i have provided so please put your phone and other electronics there now." They all did as told and i took role as the phones were placed on the board. Everyone was present.
"Before i begin, any questions?" I asked. Wingspan, nathan, rose his hand.
"Arent you our age?"
"That i am. But i can assure you. I will be the one teacher that knows how to teach properly because of the age. Why i figured i would have everyone put their phones up here where i can see them at all times. Any other questions?"
"Are you perhaps the brother of the founder of Rook Unlimited?" A girl asked.
"I am. I am the one that founded an entire line of research and the flex fighters. I even designed the outfits and other gear. If you see wingspan on the street with his vehicle, you can tell him that i said 'your welcome'. I felt bad so i had to give him some cool toy. Now. Time to focus on work." I began to name three different materials. "Paper, ink, memory foam. What do these objects all have incommen?"
"They are all not used anymore?" Someone asked.
"Incorrect. I am currently using ink to write this, i use paper assignments, and memory foam is what is in all of your beds as the second layor of the matress. They are all polymers. They are made out of-"
"This is boring! I thought you were gonna teach us something fun!" A kid complained.
"Is this not fun enough? Hows this for fun?" I asked as i pressed a button to open the window. "Does anyone know what happens when you force two negatively charged objects together and two positively charged objects on the other side?" I asked. No one. "This." I began to show them and the negatively charged bits of metal were flung to the back and were stuck to the wall. "Looks like my guess was way off. I guessed they would go to the windows!" I said with a cheeky smile and left it. "Want me to teach this class my way, or the fun way?" I asked pointing to the board first and then the magnet.
"Your way!" I nodded and continued the lesson.
When it was the end of class, i gave everyone a packet.
"And i expect all of your packets done by tomorrow morning before the bell rings. If its not done until the bell rings, i will put it in as a zero and place it in the trash because its not worth grading." I told everyone. Nathan got to work right away. He was the one who seemed to get it the most.
When i got to my brothers building, i saw the flex fighters talking with him.
"I have found out their Identities as you asked, Johnathan." I told him.
"Names?" He asked me.
"Wingspan, nathan. Omni-mas, ricardo. Stretch, jake." I told him.
"Hey!" They were all mad.
"Thankyou. Now i know who i need to excuse from class for a week." He told me.
"Your welcome. And i will unmask myself, if you all unmask yourselves." I told them.
"No way! Im not revealing myself!"
"Oh really? I think you all already know me." I unmasked myself. I currently wore a lab coat and an orange hoodie and black sweats underneath. I have combat boots on as well. I took my glasses out and put them on.
"Great... Our crazy teacher is our team mate..." Nathan stated.
"Dont expect answers from him. Hes less like me as you have found out... Hes also more of a genious even though he is your age."
"Is it fun living with him?" They all asked.
"Not in the slightest. My idea of fun is different. He has other people cook and clean and do the work i like to do yet he expects me to be loyal to him."
"I wouldnt be surprised if he stabbed me in my sleep at this point. Lets continue and ignore the pissy brother of mine." I split and surrounded them.
"Do you really want to ignore me. Unmask yourselves. I have the power to stop your funding and Kane will help me as well." They all unmasked themselves and i merged back. I joined them in what my brother was gonna show them.
"He has actually designed this that im going to show you." He opened a door.
"A proper training facility. The walls, floors and cielings cannot be destroyed. For omni-mass, i designed a special strength builder. For stretch, i have designed an obstical course with a mind of its own. And for Wingspan, i have designed an underwater arena and an arial arena."
"Awesome!" He was the most excited.
"Why is he spoiled?" They asked.
"You both have found out most of what you can do and you just need to improve."
"He has barely even found out half of what he can do." My brother added on and Nathan suited up and dived right in. He resurfaced and put on the diving equipment. He enjoys his new playground at least. I pressed a button on the wall and the rest was revealed and Jake and Ricardo were just as happy.
"I wasnt gonna spoil him and not you two. You three are a team. And im your personal trainer." I told them and split into three. I have no controle over what the other two does but i can controle myself. I did so after suiting up and i put my diving gear on and jumped in and began to train Wingspan. He already has talent but lets see if we can turn that into skill. I dived and he didnt expect it and i pinned him to the bottom. He truggled until he gave up. I let him float up and when he surfaced, he took his diving mask off.
"Ok, what the hell?!"
"Expect the unexpected. Your more than just the ariel view. Your also the teams shark. I based the wings on that off of my brothers webbing when he turns into a monster. He may be brilliant but im far more brilliant. I gave him the possibility after all."
"I hate you even more now." I was told.
"Want an instant F in the grade book for my class?"
"No. My parents would kill me! Along with my older siblings!"
"So your the middle child. Middle of seven?" I asked.
"How would you know?"
"The way your insecure about things but you still try makes me assume you have a lot of older siblings for you to be expected to be like, making you insecure. And you still try to be an influence, like an older brother. Thats the base of a middle child. Now. Back in the water." I told him and put the diving mask back on and he ended up losing again.
When it was time for them to go home, i didnt want to be left here.
"Ricardo, if you want, its pasta night." Nathan offered to Ricardo.
"My parents are actually gonna be home tonight. Tell Izzy i said hi."
"Suit yourself." I took my glasses off and began to dry my hair. My hair isnt covered in my costume.
"You alright?" Nathan asked me.
"Hes fine. Hes just pouty because he doesnt get to cook." My brother stated and i grabbed my glasses and tossed the towel at him and left the building. I hate my brother. I really do. And he wonders why i get pissy at him.

After a while of walking around, i was called.
"Kyle! Wait up!" Nathan. I pretended i didnt hear him but he grabbed my arm.
"What do you want?" I asked coldly.
"I was wondering if you wanted to join my family for dinner. I bet if you asked, you could even helo make it." He told me and i let him drag me.
When we got to his place, he told his parents he has a friend over for dinner.
"This is Kyle." I waved meekly. I had taken my labcoat off before i left my brothers building.
"Its nice to meet you kyle." His mother told me.
"And mind if i help with dinner. I would feel guilty if i didnt do something to help." I told her.
"Sure thing!" She gave me a list of things i could help with and i did them well. She noticed.
"Arent you quite the cook. Do you get to cook at your home?"
"Sadly i dont. My brother doesnt let me." I told her with a sad smile. "But thanks for letting me help."
"Its not a problem. When you have seven kids, a husband and a dad to cook for, you need the help every once in a while."
"Well, if you ever need help with anything, cooking, cleaning, laundry, just ask and i will help. I would do so when i was with my parents to make it easier on them."
"Your brother is a fool then." I nodded in agreement.
When it was time for dinner, everyone said that it was better than normal.
"Is he really this good of a cook?!" Nathan asked.
"He is." I smiled genuinely for the first time since i came here to live with my brother. This place feels a lot like back home when i was a little kid and when Johnathan was a teen in highschool. Its nice being around here.

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