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When we woke up, it was to his brother jumping on us.
"Hey!" Nathan shouted. "Dont do that! And you better save us some cerial!"
"No promises!" They shouted and i managed to be the second one in the shower and i brushed my teeth in the shower because i knew Nathan was next and to save water and time.
I got out and let him in and i poored him a bowl of cerial and hid it from his siblings so he could eat when he pours the milk into it. I poored my own cerial and ate and i told him where his bowl was and he thanked me.
"You really are the large family master." His eldest brother told me.
"How did you learn that trick anyway?"
"I noticed that its either you or Nathan as the ones without cerial when i spend the nights. And since the younger three dont know what sharing cerial is, i poured a bowl and put it where the smaller three couldnt reach." I explained.
"And thanks." Nathan stated.
"And i guess it makes scence." His eldest brother stated.
"I also have tricks to keep one of the twins from taking your things as well Nathan."
"If there was a way, i wouldnt have to deal with it." Nathan stated.
"Try stashing your pants in your bag and put that under your bed and put their bags and clothing where its easy to get to." I explained.
"You really are the big family master." Their dad told me.
"I just observe whats around me."
When we got to school, i went to my class room and i noticed some drama kid was kicking a fight with Nathan. I set my stuff down and put my lab coat on and went to investigate. I watched for a bit before i decided on the best action. I heard Nathan call him Gabe.
"Alright! Whats the problem here?" I asked as i put them a bit a ways appart.
"Tch. None of your business new kid." That pissed me off.
"In case you didnt know, im a teacher. Now. What happened?" I asked.
"He stole my girlfriend."
"Which was a long time ago and besides. She didnt even like you! Cant you drop it?!"
"I will need to see both of you at lunch to sort this out." Im too worn out to deal with this before i have had coffee.
"Why lunch?"
"By then he will have had coffee and will actually be able to deal with it properly." Nathan explained for me. Hes in my first class and he knows why i have a large mug on my desk. Gabe saw my large mug and realised its purpose. He stuck his nose up in the air and walked away.
"Your explaining this to me before the bell rings." I told him as i turned on the coffee pot beneath my desk. Coffee is essential for me to live.
"Last year, i liked this girl named Erika and he asked her to a dance and since he ignorred her, i went to hang with her and keep her company and he saw it as me 'stealling his girlfriend'. I havent seen much of her since we broke up though." He told me.
"That makes a bit more scence. But its his fault for being an idiot. And how do you live through the day without coffee?" I asked.
"Middle child magic." He told me.
"Give me some of your magic!" He laughed at my childness as i basically died from being tired. And my coffee was done and i poored it into my mug and added a bunch of sugar and creamer and drank half of it.
"Your addicted..." He told me.
"Its not an addiction. Its just that im a night owl and i have to be awake durring the day."
"You seemed to sleep rather well last night..."
"Because your siblings manage to wear me out and its calming. Normally i never sleep." I told him.
"How do you survive?"
"Coffee and a shit ton of sugar." I told him. He nodded. Jake came in and turned in some work from last week.
"This is late you know!"
"I found it and did it." He told me.
"Im gonna start not accepting late work if this keeps up, Jake."
"You know why its late."
"I get that your dad piles onto your schedual but im not gonna give you special treatment and not everyone else." I told him and drank some more coffee. And the bell rung and i drank the last of my coffee. I gave a mini lesson and had everyone get to work. I was then called out of class.
"Jake, make sure everyone stays on task. Im needed in the office." I told Jake and left.
When i got to the main office, the principal was surprised to actually see me.
"So your the new teacher that was assigned?" I nodded. "But your a kid."
"But most of my students have aquired an A in my class so im obviously doing something right. What did you need?"
"I was told that a that a teacher was hired but i never got to meet them. Im just surprised that your as old as the students."
"I get that a lot. I may be a kid but i teach well." I told him. "Im actually the best teacher here, according to the students. My classes just keep growing."
"I noticed. Where did you go to learn to teach?"
"I was taught everything i needed to know on an online university because of my busy schedual. I just take what i know and teach it in a matter even the straight F students will understand." I told him. "If that is all, i need to get back to my class." I told him and left.
When i got back, the room was still in one piece. I sat back down at my desk and began to work on a design for a new logo for the medical branch of Rook Unlimited like my brother asked for.
When it was lunch time, Gabe and Nathan came back and sat down. I got up and stood infront of them.
"Explain what happened this morning." He did and i realised he is far more dense than a block of lead.
"Drop it. Most girls hate it when guys get jealous." I told Gabe.
"Especially not Erika." Nathan added on. I let them go and Nathan kossed my cheek quickly when Gabe was out of sight and left. His face was red. I smiled and sat back down at my desk. Nathan honestly could date anyone he wanted if he didnt doubt himself. He really could. Im lucky he likes me then.

Sorry its so short!!! Im currently running off of no sleep and a ton of coffee.....!

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