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"Jake, im afraid i am gonna have to have a meeting with your father. I give you the same work as everyone else. Everyone else is actually able to complete it and turn it in. Even Nathan. And he has a busy second life like you do."
"Please dont! If he finds out, im grounded!"
"Turn in some work before lunch, i will rethink it." He nodded and did as told and got to work. He actually got help from Nathan as well. And yes. I convinced my brother to let me continue to teach. He was a bit mad i even asked.
When it was lunch time, Jake turned in a stack of work he forgot about. I graded it for half credit because of it being late and i entered it and them into the grade book and it brought his grade up to a C-.
"Its up yo a C-, barely passing, so im still gonna have to have that meeting."
"He will still ground me!"
"You cant be good at every subject Jake. Realise that and stick to what you know. Try Botony."
"I took botony last year."
"Then chemistry or some other life science. Material science isnt for everyone."
"I realised this. Your picking favorites. Your boosting Nathans grade on purpose!"
"If i did have to a favorite student, it wouldnt be any of you. My favorite is in another grade that i tutor for. Now take a look at his answers of this page and compare them to my answer key. The answers are better than what i have down on my answer key." He realised i was right.
"But you must be tutoring him outside of class, right? Hes my best friend, and i have always had better grades than him."
"Because you are a model student, your feeling a little shown up and jealous."
"Your wrong!" And the proof.
"Go on now. Go have your lunch. Its important to have to stay focused throughout the rest of the day." He left and i emailed his father, saying i will be needing to have a meeting with him tonight about his sons grades.
When i got to the Armstrong residence, Jake knew he was screwed.
"Your my sons teacher?" His father asked.
"That i am. Im Kyle Rook, feel free to call me Kyle, and keep in mind that im nothing like my brother so you can also relax." I told him as i shook his hand. He had the meeting take place in the living room.
"About your sons grades-"
"They are the best in the school! I take pride over that!"
"Actually, his grade has fallen to a C-. I give him the exact same work as everyone else in the class and he barely even gets it complete." I told him. "If he doesnt get that up to at least a B+ by semester, i will have to have him be booted from my class and put into beginners chemistry." That made him mad to hear.
"My son has had the best grades in his classes from day one. What are you doing thats making him fail?!"
"Nothing. I give him the same work as everyone, i give him the same amount of time to complete it as everyone and i even teach in a way even struggling students can understand. His friends grade even went up but his went down. See why im concerned?" I asked.
"Your making it too easy on him."
"If that were the case, he should be succeeding with perfect marks. This is a sample of what he does and from his notes. I have them write things down on paper to help get it into their heads." I told him. He had a look at it. It was a bunch of nonsence notes from what i teach. "I do demonstrations every now and then and all they have to do is tell me what they learned and they get a good grade for the day. When i wrute stuff on the board, i only ask them to write down what i write in color and not black. When i give them their work, i walk them through a few pages and let them go on their own. It should be easy for him to pass."
"Jake had had perfect grades. Why is it that when he walks into your class he fails?"
"Im not sure. I do tutoring as well so if you feel he needs it, give me a call and schedual a time after school for me to tutor him. Even straight F students turn into straight A students as soon as they get taught by me." I left after gathering what i brought and left my business card.
When i got to the Park residence, i was hugged by Izzy. She seems to enjoy having me around. I really do like it here. Its fun. I gave her a doll i found from when i was little and she loved it.
"Thankyou!" She ran off to play with it and i went to help with the twins. I usually wear them out so they go to bed right away when its time.
When it was time for bed, Nathan was still up working on homework.
"Need some help?" I asked him. He was confused. It was math homework.
"Yes please." So math isnt his strong point. I began to help him and when he was done, he thanked me.
"I still dont get it. Why dont all teachers teach like you do?" He asked.
"They dont have the mind of their students. If they did, everyone would have straight A's and perfect attendance all year every year." I told him.
"Good point. And sorry if this seems rude but why do you like to come around here? Its always busy and noisy."
"Because i never got to have the joy of having a large happy family. My mom favored my brother even though i helped around more and my father was never around and when he was, it wasnt ever a good sign so i guess i just like having a family i never got to have." I told him.
"If you want my younger brothers, you can keep them. I actually want my own room."
"You should feel lucky you dont have my brother as your brother." I told him.
"I guess. But dont you ever get to have fun with him? He seems like a fun brother."
"Hes not. Hes controling and would keep me from teaching if i didnt threaten to take over his company." I told him. "And its easier than it seems. Trust me." I told him.
"Remind me to never make you mad at me."
"Its hard to make me mad so you should be fine." I told him. "Besides! Your the brother i never got! Jonathan is the brother i never wanted." I told him. He smiled as i draped myself over him.

Sorry its shorter than normal... Im running on five days of no sleep and coffee...

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